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All personal information will to be used exclusively by our secretariat for internal use.

All people would evacuate the area. 所有人员也都全部撤离这一地区。
All people,young or old,should be strict with themselves. 所有的人,无论老少,都应该严格要求自己。
All peoples on earth will be blessed through you and your offspring. 地上万族必因你和你的后裔得福。
All performers were amateurs from Dalian Intonation Art Society. 表演者都是来自大连朗诵艺术协会的业余爱好者。
All permits must be posted in the work area. 所有工作许可证者必须置于工作区域内。
All personal information will to be used exclusively by our secretariat for internal use. 所有个人信息只供我们的秘书内部使用。
All personnel experts agree: no low-cut dresses, no torn jeans, no dirty shoes, no noisy bracelets, extravagant hairdo, or wild beard. 所有搞人事的专家一致认为:不要穿袒胸露背的衣服,撕裂了的工装裤、脏鞋,不要戴颜色过分鲜艳的手镯,发式不要花哨,不要留乱蓬蓬的胡子。
All personnel left the apparatus in full protective equipment assembled at the tail section and attempted to assess the scene. 所有人员都穿著保护装,聚集在飞机尾部,试图对现场进行评估。
All personnel must have the valid certification. 所有相关人员必须持有效证件上岗。
All personnel must keep out from under suspended loads, and should not position themselves between a load and a solid or fixed object where the load could swing or move and create a crushing hazard. 《承包商》及其雇员不可在悬吊荷载的下方逗留,也不可站在荷载固定物体或固体物之间,以防荷载可能移动或摇摆,造成挤压危险。
All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan. 公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。

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