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Given the heterogeneity of cancer, this approach makes intuitive sense.

Given the extraordinary security enjoyed by the great and middle powers of the west in the Cold War's aftermath, these activities are puzzling. 在冷战过后,西方强大和中等势力享有极度安全,这些活动是令人费解。
Given the extreme situation, would you consider recommending abortion? 在这样奇特的背景之下,如果怀孕的是你,你会考虑堕胎吗?
Given the fact that Mesozoic magmatism was closely related to the lithospheric thinning, it is proposed that the diachronous lithospheric thinning is the main mechanism by which the Taihangshan gravity lineament was formed. 由于岩浆作用与岩石圈减薄作用密切相关,因此认为华北岩石圈减薄的时空不均一性是形成太行山重力梯度带的重要机制。
Given the failure rates for given subsystems, the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use reliability apportionment to set mtbf goals. 给出给定子系统的故障率,6西格玛黑带应能利用可靠性分配原则设定平均无故障时间目标。
Given the fluidity of the current situation, the Department of State advises all American Citizens in Thailand to continue to monitor events closely, to avoid government installations and any large public gatherings and to exercise discretion when moving 由于目前局势的多变性,国务院建议在泰国的美国公民持续密切关注后续发展,远离政府机关(或有关政权转移的活动)及大型的群众集会,并且谨慎地安排旅游行程.
Given the heterogeneity of cancer, this approach makes intuitive sense. 以各式各样的癌症而言,这项做法在直觉上说得过去。
Given the immense importance from a constitutional and legal point of view, the Liberal Party welcomes the exceptional step taken by the CFA. 基于在宪制和法律角度上的重要性,自由党支持终审法院今次采取特别的处理方法。
Given the incubation period of the virus, it should be known within the next week whether efforts to __13__ it have been successful. 鉴于病毒的孵化周期,下周内才会知道现在的隔离行动会不会有效。
Given the incubation period of the virus, it should be known within the next week whether efforts to isolate it have been successful. 鉴于病毒的孵化周期,下周内才会知道现在的隔离行动会不会有效。
Given the incubation period of the virus, it should be known within the next week whether efforts to isolation it have been successful. 鉴于病毒的孵化周期,下周内才会知道现在的隔离行动会不会有效。
Given the international nature of foreign exchange transactions and market participants' wide-spread physical presence and diversity, OTC has the advantages of lowering cost and diversifying credit risks. 外汇交易的国际性及外汇交易主体的广泛性、差异性决定了OTC方式具有成本低、信用风险分散等优点。

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