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The news roused great indignation.

The news rather surprised me. 这消息使我相当吃惊.
The news reached me via my aunt. 消息是通过我姑妈传到我这里的。
The news reinforced your hopes. 这个消息增强了你的希望。
The news removed all her anxieties. 那告消息除去她一切的忧心。
The news reporters hurried to the airport , only to be told the film stars had left. 记者们急忙赶到机场,竟然被告诉那些电影明星已离开了。
The news roused great indignation. 这条消息引起了极大的愤慨。
The news says that a large fire has broken out in a huge chemical plant. 据新闻报导,有一家大规模的化学工厂发生了大火.
The news sent a thrill through him. 那消息使他全身振奋。
The news sent the blood pulsing through his veins. 这消息使他的血液都沸腾起来了。
The news service reports the two diplomats discu ed the defe e system in light of North Korea's recent nuclear test. 报导说,鉴于北韩最近的核试验,他们讨论了防御系统问题。
The news service reports the two diplomats discussed the defense system in light of North Korea's recent nuclear test. 报导说,鉴于北韩最近的核试验,他们讨论了防御系统问题。

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