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Cashier : May I have your order?

Cash register machine software for small retail businesses and shops. Can manage numerous counters using a web based network architecture. Based on Open Source softwares (Apache, PHP, PostgreSQL). 给小型零售事业或商店使用的收银机软体,透过网页式的架构可以同时给很多柜台使用。
Cash tills—and trouser pockets— are in danger of becoming redundant. 现金柜---以及裤子上装钱的口袋---正显得多余。
Cash, bank deposit, other foreign currency amounts as well as creditor's rights, debts, income and expenses, etc., which are denominated in currencies different from the unit of account shall be recorded in the currency of actual receipt and payment. 若现金、银行存款、其他外币货款以及债权、债务、收益和费用等与记帐本位币不一致时,应按实际收付的货币记帐。
Cash-strapped states look covetously at Indian casinos, which pay fewer taxes than businesses off the reservation. 财政贫乏的周州政府正贪婪的盯着印地安部落的赌场,因为他们比部落的其他生意交的税更少。
Cashew nuts and walnuts are both nuts. 腰果和核桃都是坚果。
Cashier : May I have your order? 收银员:您来点儿什么?
Cashier : Will that be all? 收银员:就这些了吗?
Cashier : Would you like ketchup, sir? 收银员:要番茄吗,先生?
Cashier : You're welcome. Anything to drink? 收银员:不客气。喝点什么吗?
Cashier: Thank you. Our pleasure. Here is your check. The total is three hundred and forty-five dollars, tax included. How would you like to pay? 出纳员:谢谢。这是我们的荣幸。这是您的账单。含税一共是345元。您想要怎么付账?
Cashier: Your room number, please? 出纳员:请问您的房间号是多少?

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