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The tennis club has organized a dance.

The tendon had been so skillfully grafted in that the boy was able to flex his finger quite normally after four weeks. 腱的接合手术做得非常高明,那个男孩在四个星期之后,就能相当正常地伸屈他的手指了。
The tenet MAYI hold is that:Your life is Your Choice. 蚂蚁网愿与用户和商家一起,共建真实、美好、时尚的网络生活。
The tenet of TFI is to combine and integrate all the existing resources spreading over trust and fund industries, academia and governments in a way that first-class academic specialists, outstanding practitioners in trust and fund management and senior re 研究所的宗旨是整合信托与基金业界、学术界以及政府部门的研究资源,依托一流的学术专家团队、优秀的信托与基金业者以及资深的政府研究人士,搭建以制度产品、市场产品和学术产品三位一体的研究平台,以一种全新的理念、体制和机制,为中国信托与基金业的发展以至于中国资本市场的完善和创新做出卓越的贡献。
The tenet of company's business is “quality comes first, honesty, solidarity, innovation comes next”. 公司经营宗旨为“质量为本、诚信为人、团结拼搏、求实创新”。
The tenets of the Alliance are to provide services to entrepreneurs in the Asia-Pacific region, build a platform for exchange and cooperation between government and enterprise and between enterprises, exert the overall influence of a regional alliance, pr 联盟的宗旨是服务于亚太地区工商企业,构建亚太地区企业与政府、企业与企业之间的交流合作平台,发挥区域联盟的整体影响力,全面促进亚太地区各成员经济体企业在电子商务领域的交流与合作,促进政府优化电子商务发展环境,推动亚太地区电子商务整体发展进程。
The tennis club has organized a dance. 网球俱乐部组织了一次舞会。
The tennis player's speed is his great asset . 那个网球运动员动作迅速,这是他的一大优势.
The tennis player's speed is his great asset. 那个网球运动员动作迅速, 这是他的一大优势.
The tennis players need total concentration during play. 网球运动员在比赛中需要全神贯注.
The tennis umpire wore an eye-shade. 那网球裁判戴著遮光帽檐。
The tenor disappointed us by singing flat. 那位男高音歌手调门儿唱得很低, 十分扫兴.

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