However, unconventional construction scheme has often to be taken in actual construction.
在实际施工中,往往由于工期紧张,不得已而采取超常规的施工方案。 |
However, undead can use Psychokinesis powers --- but they substitute their Charisma ability score as the key modifier with these powers.
不过,不死生物可以使用心灵转化系异能——但它们以魅力调整值作为该系异能的关键属性调整值。 |
However, under such occasion as it did exist shareholders' defects of capital contribution, distinguishing respective situations whether they can result in invalid establishment of company is essential, with the aim to judge if shareholders (promoter) are
但在公司设立时如果存在股东虚假出资的,就要区分虚假出资是否导致公司设立无效的不同情况,来判断股东(发起人)是否需要对公司债权人承担责任以及责任的範围。 |
However, under the current medical insurance system, the problems of social vulnerable group's medical insurance are still outstanding.
但是在现行的医保体系下,弱势群体的医保问题仍然突出。 |
However, under the gradual decaying circumstance, most supervisors turned to be corrupt, which made the corrupting offical management more decayed.
然而,由于世风日下,明中后期大部分言官都腐败堕落,其蜕变的种种劣迹,使本已败坏的吏治更加浊腐不堪。 |
However, under the guidance of the present theory and practice of international relations, it is unreasonable to appraise a nation's policy of foreign affairs in terms of selfishniess or selflessness.
不过,从现代国际关系的理论与实践来看,无论以“无私”或“自私”去评价一国的外交政策,都是不适当的。 |
However, under the pressure of this strong leftisttidal wave, the Regional Committee not only stopped rectifying leftisttendencies, but turned leftistitself.
但从1927年2月起,湖南区委经不起这股强大的“左”的浪潮的压力,不仅停止了纠“左”,而且自己也跟着“左”起来了。 |
However, under the trend of financial liberalization and globalization, this system has met some challenges such as the extension of applicable object and the problem caused by the separation of currency policy &banking supervisory power.
然而,在金融自由化与国际化的形势下,这一制度的理论基础受到一定的挑战与冲击,如适用对象的扩大问题、金融监管权与货币政策分离所引发的难题等。 |
However, underlying these short-term developments are more worrying medium-term trends.
然而,在这些短期发展中隐藏着更多的、值得担忧的中长期趋势。 |
However, unless and until the Treaty enjoyed universal adherence, States parties would continue to be exposed to risks.
然而,除非并直到条约得到普遍遵守,否则缔约国将会继续面临危险。 |
However, unless managed, information technology may destabilize the relationship between organizations and their employees when it comes to the transform of knowledge.
但是,除非藉由有效的管理,资讯技术在组织和他们的成员之间的知識转换过程,可能会不稳定。 |