He stayed up so late that he was afraid that he was in danger of oversleeping and being late for work.
他很迟都未睡觉,所以他担心会有睡过了头并且上班迟到的危险。 |
He stayed with the club but has been linked to a move to teams including Tottenham and West Ham, where Bowyer now plays.
最后他还是留在了俱乐部但是他一直与转会托特纳姆和西汉姆联队联系在一起,鲍耶到了新的球队。 |
He stays at home on Sundays and goes to school on week days.
他星期天呆在家里,平常日子上学。 |
He stays away from work and pretends that he is ill.
他抛下工作装作他生了病。 |
He stays between his man and the basket - not playing a passing lane to be between his man and the ball.
这段和这句我的理解是他在防守控卫时,对于对方其他球员回传过来的球防守得不好。 |
He stays in his room, playing chess with himself, chewing chips, smoking cigars, and often cooks chops for lunch.
于是他出门上街逛逛,他在一个橱窗里看到了一些非常精美的瓷器,他用手支着下巴呆呆地看了很久。 |
He stays in the monastery for 4,10,16,20,25 years for Buddhist studies.
受教育的男孩僧伽在僧团内研读佛学要经历四、十、十六、廿与廿五年不等。 |
He stays in the swankiest hotels.
他住最奢华的旅馆. |
He stays with Marx perseveringly, holding that the Marxist ontology is the practical ontology or the practical and critical theory of existence,that the practice of material production is a source of beauty, that beauty is a free expression of sensibility
他坚持认为马克思主义的本体论是实践本体论或“实践批判的生存论”,坚持认为物质生产实践是美的本源,美是自由的感性表现,坚持认为艺术是社会现实的反映,艺术的本质是美,而且以实践概念为基础和核心建构了一个相当完整的理论框架。 |
He steamed the stamp off the envelope.
他用蒸汽把信封上的邮票揭下来。 |
He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being.
疲倦象涨潮一样,从他身体的各处涌上来,但是他刚强地打起精神,绝不让这种令人窒息的疲倦把他淹没。 |