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Maybe, everything must take time to deliberate. but when the time for action arrives, please stop thinking and go in.

Maybe your doctor should write up a grocery list to help lower your cholesterol, suggests a small study that showed a rigid diet seemed as effective as cholesterol-lowering pills. 加拿大科学家日前在《美国临床营养学》杂志发表的一份报告中指出,如果你想降低胆固醇水平,严格的饮食计划可以起到与服药一样的效果,像豆腐、燕麦、生杏仁等食品都被列入了这一“处方”里。
Maybe your timing is a little off this time. 也许,这一次你时机没把握好。
Maybe's that's a juicier story than Terry and Mourinho heading into the sunset, arm in arm, laughing as Chelsea burns down behind them? 比起“特里和穆里尼奥手挽着手走向夕阳,回头笑看轰然倒塌的切尔西王朝”来,这个理论是不是更生动些?
Maybe, I should throw out my grammar books and start from scratch. 也许我应该扔掉我的语法书,重新开始。
Maybe, all in all, what we really need is not a war but a process that can genuinely lead to progressive diminution of the conflicts and hatreds that lead to acts of terror and indiscriminate killing. 总而言之,或许我们真正需要的不是一场战争,而是一个过程,一个能真正将那些导致恐怖行径和肆意杀戮的冲突和仇恨逐步递减的过程。
Maybe, everything must take time to deliberate. but when the time for action arrives, please stop thinking and go in. 也许,事情都需要时间深思熟虑。但是当行动之时来临时,请停止思考,行动起来吧。
Maybe, it just wasn?t the wisest thing to start something in here. 也许,在这里开始任何事都不是聪明的决定。
Maybe, on the moment you say the divine words in the 17th language. 实事上,不等你说到第311个时(也或许是第17个),爱人或许就已用热吻把你剩余的语言全部吞咽了。
Maybe, only Chinese can use the Chinese style English to understand my composition. 可能只有中国人才能以中国式英语的方式来看懂我的文章。
Maybe, what about a cruise? 也许吧,来个“船之旅”如何?
Maybe…you're not ASKING them? 可能……你不是在问他们?

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