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In the movie, Shrek's quiet life in the swamp is interrupted by the arrival of a 1)band of fairy-tale characters, including blind mice, three little pigs, and a big, bad wolf.

In the mouth of the foolish is a rod for his back, But the lips of the wise will protect them. 箴14:3愚妄人口中骄傲、如杖责打己身.智慧人的嘴、必保守自己。
In the movement of new public management, the government reinventing corrected the diseases of bureaucracy such as the hugeness, the centralization and the monopoly. 摘要新公共管理浪潮中的政府再造虽然在一定程度上矫治了官僚制规模庞大、权力集中和垄断等痼疾,但并不能摈弃官僚制。
In the movement of stolen frequent day today, How to reduce the rate of brain drain has become secondary vocational schools human resources management of a difficult problem. 在人员流动日盗频繁的今天,如何降低人才流失率问题已成为中等职业学校人力资源管理中的一大难题。
In the movie Cast Away, Tom Hanks plays a man named Chuck Noland. 在电影《荒岛余生》中,汤姆汉克斯扮演主人公查克·诺兰。
In the movie clip, it is found that manual machine load the pearl on this place. 在视频中,手动机器人将珍珠放在红色标记上。
In the movie, Shrek's quiet life in the swamp is interrupted by the arrival of a 1)band of fairy-tale characters, including blind mice, three little pigs, and a big, bad wolf. 影中,史瑞克在沼泽里的平静生活因为一群童话故事角色出现而起了波澜,包括瞎老鼠、三只小猪和大野狼。
In the movie, Yan's girlfriend shows her ID card to get Yan's call records. 在影片中,严的女朋友出示了她的身份证来获取严的通话记录。
In the movie, a wicked stepmother acts as a foil to the noble young princess. 电影里,一位邪恶的继母衬托那位高贵的小公主。
In the movie, one of the survivors Chang Zhiqiang tells how his mother and younger brother were brutally killed by Japanese soldiers. 幸存者之一常志强正在影片中讲述他的母亲和弟弟是怎样被日本士兵残忍杀害的。
In the movies, what drink did James Bond immortalize? 电影007中詹姆斯邦德成就了哪一款鸡尾酒?
In the multibyte floating-point calculations, the calculation of many functions, especially the complex functions, depend on the precision and speed of the square root calculation. 摘要介绍一种可在微型机上由汇编语言完成的多字节浮点快速开平方运算的方法。

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