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You'd better sit down somewhere.

You'd better send him to bed and send for the doctor; he's running a fever. 你最好让他上床,叫人去请医生;他在发烧。
You'd better set a goal before you start the drill. 练习开始前,你最好设定一个目标。
You'd better set free the bird you caught yesterday. 你最好放了昨天捉的那只鸟。
You'd better shape up if you want to get the job done. 要想做工作,你就得振作起来。
You'd better shape up or ship out. 你要么好好努力,要么就滚蛋。
You'd better sit down somewhere. 你最好找个地方坐坐。
You'd better speak malarky less, and work more. 一定要少说空话,多做工作。
You'd better spend your time on some worthwhile reading. 你最好把时间花在读一些有价值的书上。
You'd better start earlier, you should allow for the traffic delays. 考虑到交通上的耽搁,你最好早点出发.
You'd better stop cheating, or you will surely eat the fruit of your own doings one day. 别再欺骗别人了,否则你总有一天会自食其果。
You'd better straighten up your house. 你最好把屋子搞整洁。

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