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EXAMPLE: The unhappy customer had quite a rant against our product, so when he stopped shouting, we returned his money to satisfy him.

EXAMPLE: The rearguard action against international shareholders being fought by the Chey family at fraud-riddled SK Group is well documented, though the sale of SK treasury stock to family-friendly investors is their most blatant move yet. 例证:虽然许多文件记载说,在鲜京欺诈风波中,鲜京集团国际股东的“后卫行动”遭到了其拥有者崔氏家族的强力对抗,但是,在陷入欺诈风波之后,崔氏家族就明目张胆地将鲜京库存股票出售给与家族关系友好的投资者。
EXAMPLE: The rental agreement for the house near the river was the usual contract except for a rider about water damage that had been added. 河边那套房子的租借协议是一份常见的合同,但增补了一段有关水体破坏的附文。
EXAMPLE: The robotic assembly of automobiles is becoming so advanced that the lights-out factory may become a reality soon. 机器人汽车组装线变得如此先进,完全自动化的工厂可能不久就会变成现实。
EXAMPLE: The robust search engine could assist thousands of simultaneous users on the Internet without crashing. 功能强大的搜索引擎能够同时支持成千上万用户使用而不会失灵。
EXAMPLE: The seller's market is dead, and this new buyer's market is here to stay. 例证:卖方市场已经消亡,这一新的买方市场已然形成,并将持续下去。
EXAMPLE: The unhappy customer had quite a rant against our product, so when he stopped shouting, we returned his money to satisfy him. 这位不高兴的客户用相当激昂的言辞表达对我们的产品的不满,所以当他停止叫喊时,我们把钱还给他,以满足他的要求。
EXAMPLE: The young salesman is working hard to make a bid for promotion to regional sales manager next year. 这位年轻销售员努力工作,争取明年被提拔为地区销售经理。
EXAMPLE: Then there is the free rider problem. 例证:另外就是无本获利的问题。
EXAMPLE: Then there is the massive fiscal stimulus to the US economy from tax cuts and spending increases. 例证:接着是减税和增加支出给美国经济带来了巨大的财政刺激。
EXAMPLE: Thomas Edison was able to blaze a trail in many areas of electronics. 托马斯.爱迪生在电子的许多领域都进行了创新。
EXAMPLE: To Europe's critics, the problems will seem like further evidence of economic stagnation – a sign of how the moribund German economy, especially, is holding back growth. 例证:在欧洲的批评人士看来,所有问题都进一步证明了经济停滞的存在。这种状态以奄奄一息的德国经济为最,正阻碍经济发展。

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