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It seems possible, then, that animals which form strong social bonds do so because of the location of their receptors for vasopressin and oxytocin.

It seems normal to nod off at a meeting when the speaker gives an endless talk. 当演讲者在会中长篇大论时,打盹似乎是正常的。
It seems not bad.The scabbard was installed afterward.It's rare if it's old and intact Longquan fittings. 条子看着挺有层次感,不错,剑鞘后陪的,如果是老装这么完整的龙泉装还挺少见吧,自己把握,不知道半方是个啥概念?
It seems oil has been leaking from this pipe for some time. We'll have to take the machine apart to make it right. (油从这支管子渗漏有一段时间了,我们得把机器拆开修好它。)
It seems people are too busy or too afraid to lend a hand to someone they don't know. 人们好象太忙或太害怕,以致不愿对陌生人伸出摇手。
It seems perverse, then, to exclude individuals. 因而,排斥个人售卖行为似乎就毫无道理可言了。
It seems possible, then, that animals which form strong social bonds do so because of the location of their receptors for vasopressin and oxytocin. 那么看起来,能形成稳固社会联结的动物之所以愿意建立彼此间的伙伴关系,可能是由它们的抗利尿激素和催产素受体在大脑中的位置所决定。
It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk . 他似乎有可能黄昏前到达.
It seems probable that he will arrive before dusk. 他似乎有可能黄昏前到达.
It seems quite easy to write a memorandum. 看来写备忘录也很容易。
It seems so absurd to bear malice after all that. 经过这一切之后还抱有怨恨情绪是很荒谬的。
It seems so blindingly obvious to me that organic food and farming is the way forward — the only way forward, in fact — that it hardly seems worth saying it, except that I am because I still come across people who think that organic foods are for gullible 事实上,有机食品和耕作是前进的唯一途径看起来很明显对我如此的盲目,以致除下我,它几乎不值得一提,因为我仍然遇见人们认为有机食物是骗人的嬉皮士。

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