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He still has two-years left on his contract and I think we have stood by Gaby very well.

He showed how important he was to us in the summer when he came back against Estonia and scored. “当他在对战爱沙尼亚进球时,他证明了他对英格兰有多么重要。”
He simply cannot understand how he can be elected Man of the Match and have some of Chelsea's own supporters turn against him. He is very disappointed by that. “他不明白他怎么会成为比赛中连切尔西自己的球迷都会反对他的人。对此他很失望。”
He sinks a shaft far from habitation, Forgotten by the foot; They hang and swing to and fro far from men. 伯28:4在无人居住之处刨开矿穴、过路的人也想不到他们.又与人远离、悬在空中摇来摇去。
He slipped through the bars on Christmas Eve,said Svein-Erik Jacobsen, operation leader for the Oest-Finnmark Police District. The unusual escape made national news in Norway on Wednesday. 据美联社1月3日报道,地方警区负责人斯文·埃里克·雅各布森说:“他是在平安夜那天从监狱里逃脱的。”这种不同寻常的越狱方式最近成为挪威举国关注的一条新闻。
He somehow got the car into neutral,Ewing said. My car just went boom, down an incline and into the drink. 「牠不知怎麽的让车进到空档,」尤恩说。「我的车发动了,然后下滑、落水。」
He still has two-years left on his contract and I think we have stood by Gaby very well. “他的合同还有两年,对于加比我们有我们的立场。”
He struck out a pretty good hitter to say goodbye,Torre said. 托瑞说:他对一名好打者用三振来说再见。
He surprises me,Niven said between heavy breaths. He's always doing things I don't expect, like pretending to fall. “他怀疑我,”奈文深深地呼吸着说道,“他总是做出些让我医疗之外的事情,比如诈败。”
He thought he could get his fingers in the candy jar.- On why Hitler went on a rampage, 18 September 2001. 「他自以为可以把整碗捧走。」─谈希特勒何以会如此肆无忌惮,2001年9月18日。
He threw a variety of pitches,Torre said. Every once in a while, he lost the strike zone there, but he kept coming back. That was the most important thing. 老爹说:他投了些不同的球种。每一段时间,他会找不到好球带,但是他最后会再找到。这是最重要的。
He thrives before the sun, And his shoots spread out over his garden. 伯8:16他在日光之下发青、蔓子爬满了园子。

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