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It was shown that resistance of pore solution (R) and resistance of electrochemistry reaction (Ret) increased with the prolongation of hydration ages but R decreased with the augment of coal stone. can indirectly reflect the hydration degree of cement pas

It was shown that at all stages of unloading, interparticle sliding occurred, the number of interparticle contacts reduced and irrecoverable deformation of the microstructure occurred. 通过对这些参数的研究表明:在卸载的全过程中,颗粒间相对滑移出现,相互作用的颗粒数减少,系统内部结构产生不可恢复变形。
It was shown that hemp kernels had a great range of potential utilities and a prospect of development in foods and medical and health cares. 研究结果表明,火麻仁在食用、医疗保健等方面具有较大的应用潜力和开发前景。
It was shown that in most cases P. euphratica appeared to have an aggregative distribution at different distances away from the river but it tended to be diffusive, appearing to have an random distribution; In the two cross sections, P. euphratica tended 结果表明:胡杨在不同离河距离大都表现为聚集分布,在离河最远的地方有扩散趋势,呈随机分布;不同离河距离的两断面均表现出随离河距离加大胡杨格局规模加大、聚集强度加强的趋势,同一离河距离喀尔达依断面比英苏断面胡杨格局规模小,这主要是地下水条件和当地地形不同所致。
It was shown that in short-season cotton, the seven traits relating to early maturity all presented dominating additive effect while displaying dominance effects, and epistatic effects from sowing to budding, from sowing to flowering and from budding to f 结果表明:短季棉7个早熟相关性状的遗传均以加性效应为主,同时存在着显性效应,对于播种-现蕾、播种-开花和现蕾-开花还存在着上位性效应;短季棉各早熟性状的遗传效应与环境互作显著。
It was shown that renovation of sheet-piled wharf with barrier pile project were reasonable and feasible. 改造前后试验结果的对比分析表明:遮帘桩方案用于改造板桩码头是合理的、可行的。
It was shown that resistance of pore solution (R) and resistance of electrochemistry reaction (Ret) increased with the prolongation of hydration ages but R decreased with the augment of coal stone. can indirectly reflect the hydration degree of cement pas 研究结果表明,孔溶液电阻随著水化龄期的延长而增大,但随著煤矸石掺量的增大而减小;电化学反应电阻随著水化龄期的延长而增大,且可以间接地反映水泥浆体的水化程度;分形维数值随著水化龄期的延长而减小,但随著煤矸石掺量的增大而增大。
It was shown that salt expansion value of low liquid-limit clay was accumulated before the sixth freezing and thawing cycles, but the increment of salt expansion was reduced gradually with increasing cycles; the salt expansion accumulation of low liquid-l 试验结果表明:低液限粘土前五次冻融循环过程中盐胀具有较好累加性,随着冻融循环次数的增加,盐胀量增长速度逐渐降低;含砂低液限粘土的盐胀过程可以被分为三个阶段;粘土质砂在冻融循环过程中的变形主要为冻胀和沉降变形,具有较好的溶陷累加性;低液限粘土、含砂低液限粘土的盐胀率和粘土质砂的溶陷率与冻融周期之间的关系符合二次抛物线变化规律。
It was shown that the absorbing rate of hybrid rice and it restorer for store material and for photo-material was 50%and 80%respectively, and the absorbing rate of hybrid rice was a litter higher than that of its restorer. 结果表明,杂交组合及其相应恢复系的籽粒对标记储藏物质及标记光合物质的吸收分别达到50%和80%,杂交组合籽粒的吸收量高于相应的恢复系,但差异不大,说明在储藏物质与光合产物的运输方面,杂交组合比相应的恢复系之间无明显差别。
It was shown that the dimension analysis was an effective method in simulating the complex laser bending process, and the control model that came from non-dimensional group data of simulations, was a high-accuracy model in predictive analysis. 研究结果表明,利用量纲分析法仿真复杂的激光弯曲过程是简便有效的,基于仿真模型无因交次群组合的设计相应的参数可使控制模型达到较高的预测精度。
It was shown that the furfural had strong corrosion inhibition effect on carbon steel in 5% HCl solution at 30℃. 实验表明30℃,4h条件下,在5%的盐酸中,糠醛具有较强的缓蚀作用,与六次甲基四胺复配缓蚀效果增强。
It was shown that the inhibition effect of molybdate increased with the addition of phosphate, but could not increase with the addition of zinc sulfate. 指出钼酸盐与正磷酸盐的复配具有明显的协同效应而与锌盐之间不存在协同关系。

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