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This is a very hypersensitive problem,i am afraid we should not tell the press.

This is a very good book. 这是一本非常好的书。
This is a very good mental connection, nevertheless not the most sexually oriented combination. 摩羯-处女:这是最理想的精神组合,遗憾地是,你们在性生活上不是最佳拍档。
This is a very good production. 这是一个很好的产品。
This is a very good tut if you know what you're doing. 如果你使用一下你就会知道这是一个非常好的文件拓展名。
This is a very good whisky . 这种威士忌非常好.
This is a very hypersensitive problem,i am afraid we should not tell the press. 这是一个非常敏感的问题,恐怕不应该告诉新闻界。
This is a very impressible question and shouldn't tell the news. 这是一个非常敏感的问题,恐怕不应该告诉新闻界。
This is a very impressive resume, Mr. Smith. 你的履历表给人印象深刻,史密斯先生。
This is a very large circular collection of stars and gas that surrounds our Milky Way galaxy. 这是一个围绕银河系的恒星及大气圈群体。
This is a very new product. In fact, this is a prototype. 这是个很新的产品。其实,这还是模型个模型。
This is a very nice product. 这是一个很好的产品。

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