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Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you shut out life's blessings.

Don't clatter your knives and forks. 不要让你的刀叉碰击出声。
Don't clean it with chemic reagent,such as solvent and thinner. 不要用化学试剂清洗,否则回引起溶解或稀释。
Don't cling to the kerb when you're driving. 不要紧贴路边开车.
Don't clog (up) your mind with useless information. 不要让你的头脑被无用的讯息所阻碍。
Don't clog up your memory with useless facts. 不要把脑袋塞满无用的东西。
Don't close your heart so tightly against life's pain that you shut out life's blessings. 切勿仅因生活的痛楚紧闭心灵之门,而将生活的祝福拒之门外。
Don't clutter the table with so much money. 不要把这么多的钱铺得满桌子都是。
Don't come and go with malefactor. 不要和坏人来往!
Don't come back here any more with that stupid toothpick stuck in your mouth! 回来时,别再在嘴上叼着那烦人的牙签吧!
Don't come back here anymore from your lunch break with that stupid toothpick stuck in your mouth! 别再在午餐后嘴上叼着那烦人的牙签回到这里!
Don't come down too hard on her. 不要太严厉地申斥她。

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