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In addition, the mass distribution of automotive also play an important role in driving wandering.

In addition, the latency for the onset of heat stroke and the survival time after the heat stroke were greatly prolonged by the former surgical procedure, but shortened by the later one. 进而,我们发现热中暑发作的潜伏期与存活期会因前者手术而延长,但因后者手术而缩短。
In addition, the library holds a large number of works from the modern era, including novels, poetry, essays, and literary criticism. 其他如:四部要籍、敦煌微卷、期刊、现代诗、散文、小说、文学评论及各类资料磁碟也都齐备。
In addition, the licencee being he propagator, grower or dealer - will have to sign a Licence Agreement for the specific use of certain varieties, and valid for a specified period. 此外,被授权人,不论是繁殖者、生产者或是经销商,需要签署一份授权合约,声明针对某些品种的特定用途,以及特定的有效期间。
In addition, the licensee who reproduces, distributes or disseminates to the public through information networks shall acquire the license of both the copyright owner and the performer and pay compensation thereto. 被许可人复制、发行、通过信息网络向公众传播录音录像制品,还应当取得著作权人、表演者许可,并支付报酬。
In addition, the licensee who uses a work in the form specified in subparagraphs 3-6 of the paragraph above shall acquire the license of the copyright owner and pay compensation thereto. 被许可人以前款第(三)项至第(六)项规定的方式使用作品,还应当取得著作权人许可,并支付报酬。
In addition, the mass distribution of automotive also play an important role in driving wandering. 另外,整车质量的分布对汽车的行驶跑偏也有重要的影响。
In addition, the method of study on social cost of Coase is very unserious. 《社会成本问题》的主要价值在于它导致了法学和经济学的融合。
In addition, the navigational channel would be deepened and widened. 此外,航道也将加深和拓宽。
In addition, the new Space Technology Research and Test Center in Tangjialing, northwest of Beijing, has spacecraft-integration halls, space-environment chambers (including the world's fifth largest vacuum chamber) and vibration-test facilities. 此外,位于北京西北方唐家岭新的空间技术研制试验中心也拥有太空船装配厅、太空环境室(包括全世界第五大的真空室)以及震动测试设备。
In addition, the newly-rising coal chemical industry has an enormous demand on flame test equipment, especially in the field of coal-to-liquids. 同时,新近崛起的煤化工行业,尤其是煤制油领域,对火焰检测器也表现出了旺盛的需求。
In addition, the orther Party shall have a preemptive right on the same terms and conditions to to extent permited by law. 此外,该另一方应在法律许可的范围内的同等条款和条件下享有优先购买权。

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