To know the disease is half the cure.
找出病根等于治愈了一半。 |
To know the process of barbola, and know how to make a barbola.
使学生了解剪贴画的步骤,掌握剪贴画的制作。 |
To know the process of folding paper, and know how to fold a paper crane .
使学生了解折纸鹤的步骤,掌握折纸鹤的制作。 |
To know the rupture course and rupture range, we simulated the process of rupture on the overlaying soil with soft interlayer by plane strain finite element method in this paper.
摘要为了了解软夹层对基岩上覆土层破裂的影响,确定土层的破裂范围,采用平面应变有限元法,模拟了有软夹层的上覆土层在断层错动时的破裂过程。 |
To know the status of your courses is the aim for testing.
测试的目的是了解你对某门课程学习的情况. |
To know the way is one qualification for a guide.
认识路是作为一个向导的资格之一。 |
To know well the behavior of three-dimensional steam flow and heat transfer in the condenser, a quasi three-dimensional program is adopted to numerically analyse the steam flow field and heat transfer performance of a two-pass power plant condenser numeri
摘要爲了掌握大型电站凝汽器的三维汽相流动与传热特性,采用一种准三维数值计算方法对一台双流程凝汽器的汽相流动与传热特性进行了计算与分析。 |
To know yourself is the ultimate aggression.
知道自己是好勇斗狠的最终方式。 |
To large extend ,I agree with your opinions.
在很大程度上,我同意你的看法. |
To later shut down the signal, the VTA neuron removes the dopamine from the synaptic cleft and repackages it to be used again as needed.
之后为了停止讯号的传送,VTA神经元会收回突触间隙的多巴胺,并重新组装以备再度需要的时刻。 |
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
笑就是冒了显得傻傻的危险。 |