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In view of the engineering application, the actual connotative meaning of the dual-gradient drilling technique is that the adjustable limit of the mud density is enlarged obviously.

In view of the defects in moral culture in China, the article gives another explanation of Confucius' theory of benevolence, thinking the theory has some enlightenment to modern moral culture, which includes the creation of a new moral culture model: to l 摘要针对当前我国德育存在的种种缺陷,文章重新解读了孔子的“仁”学思想,认为其对当代德育有许多启示,包括创建重在道德学习的德育模式-学会关心、提倡回归现实生活的道德教育、促进道德教育的连贯性与一致性,等。
In view of the defects of low success, high danger, pollution derived from gas escaping in the explosion experiment of hydrogen and chlorine, an environment-protecting and successful process is designed through theoretic analyses and tries. 摘要针对中学化学氢氯混合气光照爆鸣实验存在的成功率低、危险性大、易外逸而引起污染等不足,通过理论分析和实验探讨,找出了影响实验成功的因素,设计了既环保又保证实验成功的方法。
In view of the demands on service pattern, service content, service means and service system of sustainable development digital reference, this paper puts forward some suggestion on personalization, multiplication, cooperative and intellectualization of d 摘要针对可持续发展的数字参考咨询服务在服务方式、服务内容、服务手段、服务系统等方面的要求,提出了个性化、多元化、合作化、智能化数字参考咨询服务模式,并对数字参考咨询服务模式的实现提出几点建议。
In view of the difficulty to solve fuzzy finite element equation by using the existing methods, a new solution approach based on th perturbation method was proposed. 该方法假定当不确定参数相对于其清晰值的分解度不很大时,可以将其在清晰值附近作摄动展开。
In view of the down hole complicate situation which include of dissolving, sloughing, shrinking, sticking, lost circulation and so on in composite and purity salt layer, combination drilling experience in Shengli Oilfeild and the feature of Xinjiang explo 摘要针对复合盐层、纯盐层钻井过程中所出现的溶、塌、缩、卡、喷、漏等井下复杂情况,结合胜利油田钻盐膏层的经验和新疆探区盐膏层的特点,研制推广了KCl-欠饱和盐水钻井液体系及钻穿盐膏层的技术工艺,并在新疆探区12口井得到了成功应用。
In view of the engineering application, the actual connotative meaning of the dual-gradient drilling technique is that the adjustable limit of the mud density is enlarged obviously. 就工程应用意义而言,双梯度钻井技术原理的实质含义主要是泥浆密度的可调範围变大。
In view of the existing problem in the traditional method of the compartmentalization of urban rainwater catchments basin, by the technology of partition of drainage basin and professional GIS terrain disposal software, the paper proposes a method of auto 摘要针对传统汇水区划分方法中存在的问题,利用流域地形分割技术,通过专业的GIS地形处理软件,建立了城市雨水流域汇水区的自动划分方法,其划分过程主要由构建格网DEM、格网点流向定义、汇流网络提取、子汇流区域划分、子汇流区域生成城市流域汇水区和流域汇水区编码6步组成。
In view of the existing situations and present problems in the subject of envirnmental art design in Chinese universities, the paper attempts to work out a solution for these problems and seek for a new approach appropriate to the subject in universities. 摘要针对环境艺术设计专业教育在我国各类院校的发展现状以及存在的问题,试图找出解决问题的方法,力求探索出一条适合综合院校环境艺术设计专业特色发展的新路子。
In view of the fault existing in the method of limiting equlibrium condition for distinguishing soil mass stress state, this paper gives a simple and direct δmethod based on the Mohr's Circle, which can be used in calculating soil mass stress state. 摘要本文根据以往采用极限平衡条件式来判断土体应力状态所存在的问题,应用摩尔圈原理,从实用出发,推导出一个既简便又直观的δ应用计算法,供判断土体应力状态时使用,此法具有概念清楚,使用简明直观等特点。
In view of the feature of the sea images, this article studies image mosaicing technique of marine oil spill surveillance pictures. 摘要针对海洋图像的特点,对海上溢油航空遥感监测中的图像拼接方法进行研究。
In view of the features of keyless connection with elastic sleeve with conical outer surface, the force analysis and carrying capacity calculation of the connection is conducted. 摘要针对锥面弹性衬套无键联接传动的特点,进行了受力分析和承载能力计算。

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