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My power was lost in places which where not mine, affliction besought me, and the mass-less ones attacked me without cause.

My name is part of my personality. If they force me to change it, I'll change it to a Basque name and see what they say then,she said. “我的名字就是我的特征。如果他们硬是要我改的话,那我就改成巴斯克名字,看他们怎么办。”
My name, sir; but you have the advantage of me,said my companion quietly. “那是我的名字,先生。但是我还没请教高姓大名,”我同伴平静的说。
My next target is to start playing again. I've not been playing for a long time, but I've been doing my thing to keep fit. “我下一个目标就是重新开始踢球,我已经有很长一段时间没有比赛了,但是为了保持状态我在自己进行着训练.”
My people have been lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray and caused them to roam on the mountains. 6我的百姓作了迷失的羊,牧人使他们走差路,使他们转到山上。
My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water. 13因为我的百姓、做了两件恶事、就是离弃我这活水的泉源、为自己凿出池子、是破裂不能存水的池子。
My power was lost in places which where not mine, affliction besought me, and the mass-less ones attacked me without cause. 我的力量,遗落于不属于我的地方。苦难向我恳求,无情之人也毫无来由地痛击我。
My primary goal is to be recognized. 我的主要目标是被认出来。
My problem is, that when we get a few wins, we become lackadaisical. We haven't kept the same intensity. We will lose games, particularly to teams that have been under .500. 我的问题是,当取得一点点地胜利时,我们就会变得懒洋洋的。我们并没有把同样的强度保持下去。我么将输掉比赛,尤其是通那些战绩不是很好的球队。
My reaction time got faster throughout the match and I got to read (the court) better, but at the beginning, and I've never played him before, it was hard. “但我今天的反应比昨天快了许多,阅读比赛的能力也更强了,于是比赛变得越来越轻松。但一开始的时候,因为从没和他交手过,还是有些困难的。”
My recollection of Philly is pretty darned good over there at first base,Torre said. “我对小菲的印象一直是他在一垒守备上有相当突出的表现”,托老说。
My righteousness is near, My salvation has gone forth, And My arms will judge the peoples; The coastlands will wait for Me, And for My arm they will wait expectantly. 赛51:5我的公义临近、我的救恩发出、我的膀臂要审判万民.海岛都要等候我、倚赖我的膀臂。

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