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To opt out of direct marketing mail and telephone lists.

To operate all kinds of Outbound expresses expertly, and sort them into the right flights. 熟练进行各类出口快件的完美操作,分拣快件至正确的航线。
To operate and supervise the project managment team. 负责运作和管理项目管理团队。
To operate in line with economic reforms and development, BOCOM was restructured on July 24, 1986 with approval from the State Council and began operation anew on April 1, 1987, thus becoming China's first state-owned shareholding commercial bank. 为适应中国经济体制改革和发展的要求,1986年7月24日,作为金融改革的试点,国务院批准重新组建交通银行。
To operate within the power cable line protection zones. (四)在电力电缆线路保护区内进行作业。
To oppose treacherous computing, we must join together and confront the situation as a collective choice. 如果您真的了解了要如何做,并且告诉了某人,那可能是一种犯罪行为。
To opt out of direct marketing mail and telephone lists. 选择不列在直销邮件或电话名单上。
To optimize the burning operating mode and improve combustion efficiency correspondingly. 优化燃烧工况、相应提高燃烧效率。
To optimize the deployment of the current air defense radar system in war zone and improve the stability and efficiency of it during the wartime, a kind of applied research method of the Radar netted systempresented and its system architecture, compositio 摘要针对优化现役战区防空雷达系统的部署结构,提高其战时稳定性、提升其整体作战效能的问题,提出了一种“雷达组网系统”实用研发对策,并对其具体的系统体系结构、雷达群站系统构成、信息链路等问题进行了探讨和研究。
To optimize the industrial structure and to promote the efficiency of structural economic growth should be the key for drawing industrial policy in the future. 要促进农村剩余劳动力的顺利转移,必须进一步优化产业结构,提高结构性增长的效率。
To optimize the industrial structure scientifically needs not only qualitative guidance in theory, but also experiences, researches and analysis. 科学地优化产业结构,不仅需要理论上定性的指导,更需要实证研究分析。
To or not to affirm the principle of presumption of innocence reflects different views on judicial justice. 确立无罪推定原则与否反映不同的司法公正观念。

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