VSAFE is a memory-resident program that continuously monitors your computer for viruses and displays a warning when it finds one.
VSAFE是一个驻留内存的程序,它不停地监视你的计算机,当发现病毒时显示警告信息。 |
VSU Legislation was rammed through the Senate in the last few hours of Parliamentary Sitting time for 2005.
VSU法案在2005年国会开会期间的最后几小时得以在参议院强行(表决)通过. |
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VX is the most deadly nerve gas and Tabun is the least deadly (although still very hazardous).
VX是最致命的神经毒气,而塔崩(尽管还是非常危险的)则是毒性最小的。 |
Vaaler, alas, didn't realize the import of what he had done and sold his patent to a stationer.
遗憾的是,瓦勒没有认识到他此项发明的重大意义,而是把专利权售给一位文具商。 |
Vacation Time: Learning to make plans for going on holiday and packing your suitcases.
学习如何安排度假、如何准备行装。 |
Vacation and Benefits: Policy of School.
假期和福利:视各学校政策而定。 |
Vacation in Greece means August.
8月份是希腊人外出度假的黄金时期。 |
Vacationing in Beijing, China, in 1989, Dan Mariscal was washing his hands in the hotel room sink when he noticed that the fitting was made by The Chicago Faucet Co.
1989年,当美国好施集团董事长丹尼·马利到中国北京度假,他在宾馆房间的洗脸盆洗手时注意到水龙头是由美国芝加哥水龙头公司制造的。 |
Vacations that provide plenty of intellectual stimulation are right up your alley, Gemini.
双子:难得的假期为你提供了一个与大自然亲近的好机会。 |
Vaccination for smallpox is efficacious.
种牛痘防天花是有效的。 |