I see no reason why not.
我看不出有什么理由不这样。 |
I see no reason why they should not come.
我看不出他们有什麽理由不该来。 |
I see no sign of the actual approach of this hundred per cent French paradise.
我看不出有什么迹象表明这种十全十美的法国天堂真正会到来。 |
I see nothing wrong with it, but when I see it on my form it no longer looks refreshingly true.
我认为这没有什么不对的,但当我在自己的表格上看到这一项时,这个目标看起来似乎不再那么正确了。 |
I see our body as the locus of human desire, defined as a dynamic energy towards the meaningfulness of life.
所谓情意指的是有意向性的情感,特别是指那些指向意义与价值的高级情感,诸如美感、道德感情与宗教情操。 |
I see pit houses, then the later adobe compounds.
我看到穴屋,稍后又看到泥砖围成的场地。 |
I see plots of agave and traders coming in from over the mountains bringing different pottery and textiles.
我还看见一大片的龙舌兰,还有商人翻山越岭带来很多的陶器与织品。 |
I see seven dwarfs, dancing with the wolves.
我看见七个小矮人,跟大野狼手牵手跳舞. |
I see six bees, waiting for the lees.
我看见六只蜜蜂,排队找遮蔽处. |
I see so many well-known people appearing in commercials, seeming just to make a lot of money and pretending to believe in the product they're advertising. It upsets me.
我看到那么多人在作商业广告,他们仅仅是为了挣大钱且装出对他们正在作广告推销的产品信赖无比,这实在令我厌恶。 |
I see ten flies, nibbling pies.
我看见十只苍蝇,细细品尝著派. |