The word metastasizemeans to change form, state or position. It is not a word cancer patients want to hear.
“转移”这个词意思是改变形式、状况或者是位置。这对于癌症患者来说并不是一个希望听到的词。 |
The word milkshall be interpreted to include goat milk.
术语“奶”的定义里包括山羊奶。 |
The word monosyllableactually has five syllables in it.
单音节)这个字其实有五个音节. |
The word park,in town nomenclature, should, I think, be reserved for grounds of the character and purpose thus described.
我认为,在城市的术语中,“公园”这个词应该被确定为具有上述特征和用途的场所。 |
The word pizzaa eared just before 1000 AD, in the area between Naples and Rome.
也许下文的说法能给大家一点启示。 |
The word quakemeans a shaking or trembling.
词语地震一词的意思是摇动或震动。 |
The word timetopped the list, with yearin third place and dayin fifth position and weekat 17th.
“时间”一词居于榜首,“年”排在第3位,“日”和“星期”分别排在第5和第17位。 |
The word trousersis an uncommon noun because it is singular at the top and plural at the bottom.
裤子是一个不寻常的名词。因为它的上面都是单数下面是双数。 |
The word (library) shape is bigger than surrounding buildings and high-colored, which means the importance of library in community.
字造形大于周固建物且色泽鲜明,意喻图书馆在社区中的重要性。 |
The word I am using in my difficult English is, I think, the correct word. We are surviving.
“用我不太熟练的英语,我想,用‘我们还活着’,是最恰当的形容。 |
The word Lusikisiki is meant to mimic the sound of wind rustling reeds. Perhaps that wind will soon be heard throughout the continent.
鲁塞济斯基人们的话语如微风吹拂苇丛发出轻响。或许这微风不久就会吹向整个大地。 |