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I have a mild/bad cold.

I have a matter of importance to deal with. 我有要事要处理。
I have a meeting at 2 o'clock . 我2点有一个会。
I have a message for you today: Give up futile and vapid causes, causes that cannot be achieved, because they are not true. 今天我要对你们说的是:放弃无谓而无意义的目标、放弃实现不了的目标,因为它们不是真理。
I have a message for you. Please copy. 有份电报给你,请抄收。
I have a method of learning english. 我有自己的外语学习方法.
I have a mild/bad cold. 我患了轻度/重度感冒.
I have a mind to expand this business in the years to come. 我想在以后的年月里扩大这项业务。
I have a monumental brass medal. 我有一枚有纪念意义的铜牌。
I have a more Democratic take on things than our president but I won't really begrudge him because it's his beliefs that he's trying to uphold. 比起我们的总统(布什)来,我的处事风格更“民主”。不过我不会因此而对他心怀不满,因为那是他执着的“信念”。
I have a mountain of work to do. 我有一大堆工作要做。
I have a mug of milk and some bread for my breakfast. 我喝一大杯牛奶吃一点面包作为早餐。

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