It is incorrect if the teacher let the rigged student go.
老师对作弊的学生睁一只眼闭一只眼是不对的。 |
It is incorrect to say that the progenitor of man is ape.
说人的祖先是类人猿是不正确的。 |
It is increasingly common for seller to prepare and transmit documents electronically.
卖方采用电子方式填写和传递文件已经变得越来越普遍。 |
It is increasingly difficult to discriminate between pure academic and pure commercial research.
目前已经越来越难区分纯学术研究和纯商业研究。” |
It is increasingly recognized that it is a fallacy to expect an individual to suddenly assume managerial responsibility without assistance; in the group it is even more so.
而且事实证明,期望个体短时间内独自负担起管理职责是荒谬的,特别是在一个团队内。 |
It is increasingly the Kremlin that decides who runs Russian business and finance.
由政府主宰商业和金融,这越来越像克里姆林宫的作风了。 |
It is incredible how great it is to see land merchants roaming the place. Unbelievable. It adds so much to the game, without taking away the original feeling.
难以置信的是,看到陆上商旅在漫步各地的畅快感真的是无与伦比。本模组虽为游戏添进了很多新的元素,但却丝毫没有去掉原有的感觉。 |
It is incredibly prestigious, so she is unlikely to turn down such an important invitation.
能受邀参加王室的圣诞午宴是无上的荣耀,凯特不可能拒绝如此重要的邀请。” |
It is incumbent upon all users of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedure.
凡使用这种设备的人都应熟悉安全程序. |
It is incumbent upon justice to give some warnings of their doubt about a case.
法官有责任提醒人们有关他们对案件的疑问。 |
It is indecent to say that.
说那样的话是很不礼貌的。 |