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A group of university researchers is helping NASA develop an artificial cell that can do all this and more.

A group of three bits or three pulses, usually in sequence on one wire or simultaneously on three wires. 三个二进制位或三个脉冲组成的一种组,通常按时间顺序出现在一根导线上或同时出现在三根导线上。
A group of tourists observe the peak of Huayna Picchu at the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu in Cusco, in this file photo taken in October 2003. 这张摄于2003年10月的资料照片中,游客在秘鲁南部著名的印加古城遗址马丘比丘观光。
A group of township women from Langa on the outskirts of Cape Town, has embarked on a major learning exercise in the finer art of becoming South Africa's first black female wine makers. 一群蓝嘉镇的妇女,在开普敦的郊外从事学习更好的技巧,以期成为南非的第一个女性酿酒师。
A group of tracks on a magnetic drum or on a magnetic disk all of which are read or written in parallel. 磁鼓或磁盘表面上的一组磁道,可以并行地对它们进行读/写操作。
A group of undergraduate students from Hamilton College has turned a fondness for being nude into an athletic team. 汉米敦大学有一群大学生把裸体的癖好拿来组成了运动团队。
A group of university researchers is helping NASA develop an artificial cell that can do all this and more. 一组来自大学的研究人员正在帮助美国航天局发展一种能达到上述梦想或更多本领的人造细胞.
A group of us stood waiting after the Hong Kong police on the other side of the barbed wire had taken our papers away to be studied. 我们一大群人等在铁丝网的这边,证件递到香港警察那里进行检查。
A group of vendors thus agreed to work together to define a single character set that covers the characters of all languages of the world, so that developers have a single point of reference, and users have a single encoding. 一组厂商为此商定写作定义一个统一的字符集,涵盖世界上所有语言的字符,这样开发者就有一个单一的参照标准,用户也只需要使用一种编码。
A group of veteran Chinese Communist Party members and academics issued a joint statement criticizing the government for excessive media censorship. 一些中共老党员和学者发表联合声明,批评政府对媒体的新闻检查过度。
A group of villagers try to wrestle a bull to the ground. When under control the animals are daubed with brightly coloured paints. 一群村民正在试图将一头公牛摔倒在地。被制服的公牛都会被涂上鲜艳的颜色。
A group of volunteers composed of teachers and students from Qinghua University and American college students arrived here Wednesday to give tutorship to children of migrant workers. 当日,由清华大学部分师生和美国大学生志愿者组成的“2007年中美大学生暑期教育扶贫社会实践活动小分队”来到河南省社旗县,为当地留守儿童开展英语培训和学习辅导等活动。

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