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I had known a good many geniuses, but they generally had the most commonplace careers because they never learned to do difficult or disagreeable things.

I had just about finished a working design for the microprocessor when the fellowship ended and with it my access to the oscilloscopes, logic analyzers, chip programmers and other expensive equipment I needed to complete the device. 微处理器的运作设计就快完成,而我的研究刚好结束,便不能再使用实验室的示波器、逻辑分析仪、晶片编程器,以及做好这个装置所需的其他昂贵设备了。
I had just collected a bunch of money. 所以我总是喜欢把它们都放生。
I had just popped out for a breath of fresh air, and missed your telephone call. 我刚好出去呼吸点新鲜空气,于是就错过了你的电话。
I had just put the dinner on when Jim walked in unexpectedly. 我刚把饭做好,吉姆出人意外地走了进来。
I had just received the attached file from Poland. 我刚收到从波兰传来的这附呈的相片。
I had known a good many geniuses, but they generally had the most commonplace careers because they never learned to do difficult or disagreeable things. 我认识许多天才,他们一般都从事最普通的职业,因为他们从未学会做难度很大或者不合意的事情。
I had known her long before. 很久以前我就认识她了。
I had known in hundred a friend,her China and Britain degree of literacy all very good, replied when each question very is all earnest; Her translation is very accurate, letter, elegant, reaches these three all to be able to give dual attention to Replied 我在百度认识了一位朋友,她的中英语文程度都很好,回答每一个问题时都很认真;她的翻译很准确,信,雅,达这三点都能兼顾.回答感情上的问题时,她是用她的'心'去回答,而且往往有独特的见解.我跟她通过电话,发现她不单止心地善良,为人正直,关心别人,热爱朋友,还很有童真呢.认识了这样的朋友,真是我的幸运.祝福你,我素未谋面的朋友!
I had known two great social systems. 那时以前,我就经历过两大社会制度.
I had learned to live with hate. 我已经学会与仇恨一起生活。
I had left my home town for two months and was already feeling homesick. 我离老家已有两个月,早就开始想家。

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