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Governments have reached a consensus on the need for peace and it follows that actions speak louder than words .

Governments at all levels should give support to technological research into more efficient use of mine water and encourage investment in mine water utilization projects, says the report. 这个报道说:中国各级政府都应对高校利用矿井用水的研究给于大力的支持,并且鼓励在水利用项目上的投资!
Governments at all levels took the problem of wage arrears for migrant rural workers very seriously, worked harder to resolve it and achieved initial results. 各级政府重视解决拖欠农民工工资问题,加大了工作力度,取得初步成效。
Governments at all levels, stressed that furthest to make use of the modern commutication and technology holding vedio and tele-conference,thereby promoted the rapid growth of vedio market of China by offering relational policy. 各级政府强调尽可能地利用现代通信技术手段召开电视、电话会议,从而为中国视讯市场的迅猛增长提供了政策推动力。
Governments can't legislate to make us happy, but many things they do affect our wellbeing. 政府无法通过立法来使我们快乐,但是他们做的许多事会影响到我们的心灵健康。
Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. 政府的权力来自于被统治者的同意。
Governments have reached a consensus on the need for peace and it follows that actions speak louder than words . 政府一致同意和平的必要性,接下去就是行动胜于语言了。
Governments in the Philippines, Indonesia and even isolationist Myanmar want them to come. 菲律宾政府,印尼政府,甚至于与世隔绝的缅甸政府都盼望着他们的到来。
Governments is extending its sphere of influence to cover all parts of our lives. 政府正扩大它的影响範围,以把我们生活的各方面都管起来。
Governments may exercise their powers to keep the fiat paper system afloat, defending their currencies with various schemes and legal restrictions, but in the end, gold will win. 政府可能会运用他们的力量去维持这法定货币制度的运作,用不同系统及法律的限制去防卫这法定货币,但是到最后黄金将会胜出。」
Governments may in fact suffer from having the option to devalue. 事实上,政府因选择货币贬值也会遭受损失。
Governments may need to tackle sluggish wage growth and increased inequality more directly. 作为整体的全体国民都应从经济的增长中得益。

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