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Such figures are unlikely to sway opponents, and could unsettle some of the waverers.

Such features as durability, convenience, and sound quality helped CDs outsell records by the end of the decade. 由于它保存久、方便、音质好,使得销售量创下了从未有过的高度。
Such features might result from the rotation movement of the earth crust and exert serious impact on the geotectonic evolution and large scale metallogeny in Hunan province and adjacent regions. 这种特征可能是地壳的旋转运动所造成,它对湖南及邻区大地构造的演化、大规模成矿作用等具有重大的影响。
Such feelings tend to remain submerge beneath a mask of social politeness. 在社交礼貌的掩盖下,这样的情感往往不会显露出来。
Such fibers in unfermented beans end up being digested by bacteria in the human gut, which then release methane. 这些没有发酵过的豆类中的纤维因为细菌而在人体内被完全消化,释放出甲烷。
Such fibrosis can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, but is most common in the lower esophagus, leading to the esophageal dysmotility with systemic sclerosis. 这种纤维可发生在胃肠道的任何地方,但最常见于食管下端,导致系统性硬化病人食管蠕动障碍。
Such figures are unlikely to sway opponents, and could unsettle some of the waverers. 这样的数字不会使反对者动摇,却有可能使尚在犹豫中的国家变得不安。
Such filaments are usually composed of the contractile proteins actin and/or myosin, and are thought to play a role in cell motility, and perhaps also change in shape. 这种丝通常由伸缩蛋白肌动蛋白和(或)肌球蛋白组成,一般而言它们在细胞运动中起一定作用,并可能改变自身的形状。
Such films allow humans to touch into the intimate orchestration of our lives in a very personal way. 这类影片允许人类以非常个人的方式接触到我们生命的亲密合奏。
Such findings would imply that a new cycle of volcanism had commenced—and that the newly engorged magma chamber had more potential to explode catastrophically. 这样的发现表示新一波的火山作用已经开始,而重新填满的岩浆库,更有可能造成灾难性的爆发。
Such fine calibrations may date back to the use of the abacus, and to an old Chinese convention that assumes a 360-day year for the purpose of reckoning interest payments. 如此精细的调整可追溯到算盘的使用,追溯到中国的一个古老传统,即假设一年为360天,以达到简化利息支付的目的。
Such flashes as you feel, Alec, I fear, don't last! 你那种昙花一现的感情,亚雷,我看恐怕不会长久。

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