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Emma: No, that isn't true.

Emma. Lisa will be her maid of honor. 结婚的是埃玛,莉莎将是她的伴娘。
Emma: Come in, please. I'm sorry. It's one of those days. Two aides are out sick. You'll have to excuse me. Do you have a resume, Miss...? 艾玛:请进,对不起,今天又是「屋漏偏逢连夜雨」,两位助理病了。你得包涵一下。你带了履历吗?小姐贵姓...?
Emma: I know, but that?s their problem, not mine. 艾玛:我知道,那正是他们的麻烦所在,可没我的份。
Emma: I said yes -- then she said, Thank goodness! 埃玛:我说是的-然后她说:“谢天谢地!
Emma: If you'll just sign here. 埃玛:请在这里签字。
Emma: No, that isn't true. 艾玛:不,那不是真实的。
Emma: Paul, I?m supposed to keep this a secret, but I have to talk to someone. Nate hacked into Mr. Hudson?s computer. 艾玛:保罗,我其实应该要保住这个秘密,但我一定要告诉其他人,馁特黑客侵袭候德孙老师的电脑。
Emma: Probably. They really want a good grade in Mr. Hudson?s class. They?ll do anything to get it. 艾玛:可能是。他们很想在候德孙老师的班里取得好成绩。他们想尽办法来得到它。
Emma: To get a copy of Mr. Hudson?s final exam. 艾玛:想拿一份期未试卷副本。
Emmanuel Faber, head of Danone's Asia operations, will become interim chairman of the joint venture. 达能亚太区总裁范易谋将担任合资公司的临时董事长。
Emma: More than that maybe. 艾玛:也许更久。

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