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Freedom of the press in Hong Kong will die if the media do not guard against vulgarity and unethical reporting, the secretary for home affairs has warned.

Freedom of opinion is a farce unless factual information is guaranteed and the facts themselves are not in dispute. 如果信息的真实性不能确认,或者事实本身存有争议,那么所谓的言论自由就只是笑谈而已。
Freedom of speech is one of the bottommost principles of democracy. 言论自由是民主的最根本的原则之一。
Freedom of speech is protected by the constitution. 言论自由是被宪法所保障的。
Freedom of speech,_press,-religion, peaceable assembly,and-requesting, change ofgovernment. 言论自由,-出版自由,宗教自由,和平集会,和要求改变政府的权利。
Freedom of the pre in Hong Kong will die if the media do not guard agai t vulgarity and unethical reporting, the secretary for home affairs has warned. 民政事务局局长何志平警告,倘若传媒不能洁身自爱,违反新闻道德,走上庸俗化之路,香港新闻自由将会死于安乐。
Freedom of the press in Hong Kong will die if the media do not guard against vulgarity and unethical reporting, the secretary for home affairs has warned. 民政事务局局长何志平警告,倘若传媒不能洁身自爱,违反新闻道德,走上庸俗化之路,香港新闻自由将会死于安乐。
Freedom of the press is a relative term. 新闻自由是一个相对的词。
Freedom of the press is the goal of the spirit of the free press. 新闻自由是自由的新闻精神追求的目标。
Freedom of the press mainly refers to the freedom to collect, disseminate, transmit and receive news. 摘要新闻自由主要指人们搜集、发布、传送和收受新闻的自由。
Freedom to choose between fixed function and Programmable function pipeline. 可自主选择固定函数或是可编程函数的管道。
Freedom yes, but which one? 肯定要自由,但要哪一种?

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