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According to a new study, thin or skinny women who get pregnant are 72 percent more likely to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy than their normal weight counterparts.

According to a master plan, the eastern part of the island, which boasts the Dongtan wetlands, a resting place for birds migrating between Siberia and Australia, will be reserved as whole as a showcase of the island\'s friendly ecological environment. 位于最东部的东滩湿地是众多往返于西伯利亚和澳大利亚的候鸟的栖息之地,根据总体规划,这里将被保护起来,作为崇明岛“生态立岛”的展示区。
According to a new evolutionary study, venomous species of fish outnumber not just such snakes, but all other venomous vertebrates combined. 根据一项新的进化研究,有毒鱼类的数量不仅超过蛇类,而且超过了所有其它有毒脊椎动物的数量之和.
According to a new poll, nine in 10 people are unable to decipher common symbols used on clothes labels. 英国一份调查表明90%的人不明白服装标签上常见洗涤标志的含义.
According to a new study women who sleep 5 hours or less per night weigh more on average than those who sleep 7 hours. 根据一项新的研究,每天睡眠不足五小时或是更少的女性比起那些睡眠七小时的女性平均来讲会更胖。
According to a new study, ancestral forms of laughter existed in other animals long before humans began cracking up. 一项最新的研究表明,早在人类会笑之前,其他一些动物就已经拥有原始形态的笑声了.
According to a new study, thin or skinny women who get pregnant are 72 percent more likely to miscarry in the first three months of pregnancy than their normal weight counterparts. 一项最新研究表明,过瘦的女性在怀孕前三个月流产的几率比正常体重的女性高72%。
According to a physician's diagnosis, Party B cannot continue normal work after a continuous 30-day sick leave. 根据医生诊断,受聘方在病假连续30天不能恢复工作的。
According to a previous report by the Henan Business News, this single young woman, determined to stay in the school as long as there is even one child to teach, has disappointed a number of admirers by announcing that her boyfriend is staying with her in 据《河南商报》先前的报道,只要有一个孩子要学习,这位单身的年轻姑娘也要坚决地留在学校,这意味着她的男朋友将陪着她在这个贫穷的山村里度日,这一点让许多仰慕着大失所望。
According to a quantitative analysis, concludes that the matching relationship between air changes and cooling load is a major factor in determining the actual temperature difference and isolation coefficient, and that the parameters in isolation ward wou 通过定量分析计算,指出隔离病房和缓冲室间的温差和隔离系数主要由两室的换气次数与房间冷负荷的匹配情况确定,而病房匹配情况的影响要比缓冲室大得多。
According to a recent OECD study, China's total spending on education, including both government and private as a proportion of GDP, was just ahead of India's in 2001. 根据最近的一份经济合作与发展组织研究,2001年中国对教育的总支出,包括政府支出及私人投资,在GDP占的比例仅高于印度的水平。
According to a recent online survey by Extrawhite, a maker of chewing gum, a quarter of the people in China never smile or smile less than five times a day. 益达口香糖公司近日开展的一项在线调查显示,四分之一的中国人从不微笑,或每天微笑不到5次。

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