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A brief introduction of the representative assessment standards for river health overseas is given, and then the measures and key points of physical-chemical assessment, habitat assessment, hydrological assessment and bio-assessment are reviewed respectiv

A brief high-pitched humming or buzzing sound, such as that made by a swiftly passing object or a taut vibrating string. 尖啸声一种短暂尖锐的嗡嗡声或滋滋声,例如高速运动的物体和拉紧的震颤的线发出的声音
A brief introduction about the automation system for Xixi Ship-lock of Chaozhou Water Supply Project is given herein. 摘要介绍了潮州供水枢纽工程西溪船闸综合自动化系统的概况。
A brief introduction is given to the environmental protection standards for surface mining in the United States, and their characteristics are summarized as follows: (1) generality is merged with the specificity; (2) ecological rehabilitation in mining ar 摘要概述了美国露天采矿环境保护标准并总结其特点:(1)一般性和特殊性相结合;(2)采矿破坏地生态恢复涵义广,涉及矿区内所有受扰地区;(3)管理当局可针对具体矿山更改某些要求;(4)有完善的配套法规保障标准的执行。
A brief introduction is given to the treatment of the Zeya dam foundation,principles of seepage control and design of the concrete face rockfill dam of the Zeya reservoir.As for the excavation of the sand-gravel zones,except the toe slab and its 1/9 botto 介绍碧莲水电站拦水坝系软基上的水力自控翻板闸门溢流坝工程特点和设计原理.闸门利用水力和杠杆原理实现自控关闭;闸坝平时挡水发电,洪水期自动翻倒泄洪冲砂,有效地解决洪水对上游库区实物的淹没损失及水库泥沙淤积问题;闸坝采用地下混凝土连续墙进行地基防渗处理及面流消能,消能效果显著,工程投资少.本工程设计可供其它建固定坝淹没损失过大或在软基上建低重力式堰坝的类似工程参考.
A brief introduction of the English Attributive Clauses (Relative CLauses)! 英语定语从句的基本知识,请进入!
A brief introduction of the representative assessment standards for river health overseas is given, and then the measures and key points of physical-chemical assessment, habitat assessment, hydrological assessment and bio-assessment are reviewed respectiv 文中简要介绍了国外河流健康评估具有代表性的技术标准,对于物理-化学评估、生物栖息地评估、水文评估、生物评估的方法和要点分别作了评述。
A brief introduction to 2005 Addenda of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section I. Leaning some important changes in it and comparing with the relevant provisions in China Standard. 对ASME锅炉及压力容器规范第I卷2005增补作简要介绍,对其中重要的修改进行学习,并与我国标准中的相应条文进行比较。
A brief introduction to domestic research of negative refracting materials is given, and two possible routes to negative refracting via functional polymeric materials are suggested. 本文还简要介绍了国内负折射材料的研究现状,提出了利用高分子功能材料实现负折射的两种可能的途径。
A brief introduction to the University. 该大学的一个简短的介绍。
A brief introduction to the X-ray crystallographic studies on RNA polymerase Ⅱ complexes and the enzymatic mechanisms revealed by the crystal structures. 摘要用X射线晶体学方法测定的一系列RNA聚合酶Ⅱ复合物结构揭示了真核转录的分子机制。
A brief introduction was given to the concept of natural tracer method, the characteristics of temperature and conductance distribution in groundwater, and the theory of heat-source method and conductance method for leakage detection. 摘要简述天然示踪法的概念、地下水温度场和电导场分布特征、热源法原理及电导渗漏测试原理。

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