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As a politician Mr Chávez is a cool strategist, though a sometimes reckless tactician.

As a poetic form in Chinese poetry, the trisyllabic verse has been ignored in the academic circle over a long period. 摘要在中国诗歌体裁中,三言是一种极少受到关注的类型。
As a pole warms up in the spring, frozen CO2 on the surface thins, perforates, and begins to vent gaseous CO2 held underneath. 在春季时,极区温度上升,表面的乾冰变薄、穿孔、并开始喷出下方的二氧化碳气体。
As a policeman you often have to work unsocial hours. 作为警察,你就得在非正常生活作息的时间工作。
As a political body based on the principle of power-division and the theory of social contact, the Constitution committee exercises extensive functions and powers upon which there are more practicable prescriptions concerned; hence it plays an important r 宪法委员会是以分权制衡原则和社会契约论为依据而建立的政治机关,监督职能更广泛、具体,有关规定可操作性强,在违宪审查、保障公民权利方面发挥着较大的作用。
As a political symbol, it presents a lawful substantive basis for the sustentation of national consiousness and sentiments, and a country's fusing all the races in politics and vigorously fostering mainstream ideology in civilization. 作为一个政治符号,它为民族意识和民族情感的寄托,为国家在政治上融合各个种族,在文化上高扬主流意识形态提供了合法的实体基础。
As a politician Mr Chávez is a cool strategist, though a sometimes reckless tactician. 身为政治家的查韦斯先生是一位非常冷静的战略家,尽管有时也是一位不计后果的战术家。
As a pop star she was a nine days' wonder: she only made one successful record. 她是个昙花一现的歌星,只录制过一张受欢迎的唱片。
As a portal to information services, IPTV gradually transforms the audio services of traditional telecom into converged multimedia information streams that include audio, video, images and text. IPTV作为信息服务切入点,将传统电信音频服务,逐渐转变为包括音频、视频、图像、文字等多信息多媒体聚合流。
As a positivistic science, criminology is based on statistics and demands a basic research method of crime statistics, the lagging behind of which limits the approach to our criminological theory. 摘要犯罪学是一门实证科学,实证科学以统计为基础,犯罪统计是犯罪学研究的基本方法。
As a post-development region in economy, Qinghai's marketability level is relatively lower, and the growth of intermediary organization is now in underway stage. 摘要青海作为经济后发展地区,市场化水平较低,中介组织的发展正处于起步阶段。
As a postscript to his letter he added that he loved her. 他在信中加上附言, 写上了他爱她.

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