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Yes. You were shorter than me at that time,so you could not see over me. 。。

Yes. When you get on the transfer bus, just show the bus driver this ticket stub. 要。当你上了转乘的公共汽车时,就把这张票根给司机看。
Yes. While there will be some content that requires player grouping, the majority is accessible by both solo and grouped players. 可以的,有一部分的游戏内容需要玩家们齐心协力来完成,不过大部分的游戏内容,都可以通过单人或者团队来完成。
Yes. You can buy without register but you have to type your shipping and billing information every time. And you lose the chance to receive our periodic promotions. 可以,但你必须每次购物时提供你的送货和帐单地址。并且无法浏览我们定期发出的促销信息。
Yes. You go get the scissors and glue. 是的。你去拿剪刀和胶水。
Yes. You have the right number. 是的,您打对了。
Yes. You were shorter than me at that time,so you could not see over me. 。。 大王:“是的。那时候你比我矮,坐在我后面就看不见前面了。”
Yes. You'd better take a bus. 远,你最好坐公共汽车去。
Yes. it's a turkey's egg! 不错,那是火鸡的蛋!
Yes. you just have your clothes put into the bag. 是的,你只要把衣服放在袋子里就可以了。
Yes. (humming)That always gives people big surprises. 当人收到这样的卡片,都会非常的惊喜的。
Yes...yes I am prepared to go all the way, my good Admiral. 是……是的,我准备好了,我伟大的将军。

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