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Article 47 No sand collection, stone query, earth digging or waste dumping, explosive operations and other activities that would threaten the safety of roads, road bridges, road tunnels and road ferries is allowed within the perimeter of 200 meters of lar

Article 47 Expenses refer to the outlays incurred by an enterprise in the course of production and operation. 第四十七条费用是企业在生产经营过程中发生的各项耗费。
Article 47 Functionaries in financial departments and relevant administrative departments who abuse their powers, neglect their duties, commit illegalities for personal interests or by fraudulent means, or disclose State secrets or commercial secrets, and 第四十七条财政部门及有关行政部门的工作人员在实施监督管理中滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊或者泄露国家秘密、商业秘密,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。
Article 47 If a project must be subject to tender according to law, the tenderer shall, within 15 days following the date of determining the winning bidder, submit a written report about the tender and bid to the relevant department for administrative sup 第四十七条依法必须进行招标的项目,招标人应当自确定中标人之日起十五日内,向有关行政监督部门提交招标投标情况的书面报告。
Article 47 If the mortgaged property is seized by a People's Court because of the debtor's failure to perform his obligation prior to the maturity of the debt, the mortgagee shall, from the date of seizure, be entitled to collect the natural fruits severe 第四十七条债务履行期届满,债务人不履行债务致使抵押物被人民法院依法扣押的,自扣押之日起抵押权人有权收取由抵押物分离的天然孳息以及抵押人就抵押物可以收取的法定孳息。
Article 47 In case that domestic entities open foreign exchange accounts in China or abroad without authorization, rent, transfer of arbitrage foreign exchange accounts in violation or the regulations governing foreign exchange account or use the foreign 第四十七条境内机构违反外汇帐户管理规定,擅自在境内、境外开立外汇帐户的,出借、串用、转让外汇帐户的,或者擅自改变外汇帐户使用范围的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,撤销外汇帐户,通报,批评,并处5万元以上30万元以下的罚款。
Article 47 No sand collection, stone query, earth digging or waste dumping, explosive operations and other activities that would threaten the safety of roads, road bridges, road tunnels and road ferries is allowed within the perimeter of 200 meters of lar 第四十七条在大中型公路桥梁和渡口周围二百米、公路隧道上方和洞口外一百米范围内,以及在公路两侧一定距离内,不得挖砂、采石、取土、倾倒废弃物,不得进行爆破作业及其他危及公路、公路桥梁、公路隧道、公路渡口安全的活动。
Article 47 Sports equipment and apparatus to be used for national and international sports competitions must be subjected to examination and approval of institutions designated by the administrative department for physical culture and sports under the Sta 第四十七条用于全国性、国际性体育竞赛的体育器材和用品,必须经国务院体育行政部门指定的机构审定。
Article 47 The State adopts preferential policies for rural electrification, and provides special support to rural power construction in minority nationality areas, frontier and remote areas, and poverty-stricken areas. 第四十七条国家对农村电气化实行优惠政策,对少数民族地区、边远地区和贫困地区的农村电力建设给予重点扶持。
Article 47 The arbitration tribunal shall terminate conciliation and continue the arbitration proceedings when one of the parties requests a termination of conciliation or when the arbitration tribunal believes that further efforts to conciliate will be f 第四十七条仲裁庭在进行调解的过程中,任何一方当事人提出终止调解或仲裁庭认为已无调解成功的可能时,应停止调解。
Article 47 The carrier shall, before and at the beginning of the voyage, exercise due diligence to make the ship seaworthy, properly man, equip and supply the ship and to make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers and all other parts of the ship in w 第四十七条承运人在船舶开航前和开航当时,应当谨慎处理,使船舶处于适航状态,妥善配备船员、装备船舶和配备供应品,并使货舱、冷藏舱、冷气和其他载货处所适于并能安全收受、载运和保管货物。
Article 47 The employing unit shall independently determine its form of wage distribution and wage level for its own unit according to law and based on the characteristics of its production and business and economic results. 第四十七条用人单位根据本单位的生产经营特点和经济效益,依法自主确定本单位的工资分配方式和工资水平。

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