The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is an epic fictional account of China's history from 184 to 280 A.D.
《三国演义》是一部涉及公元184—280年间中国历史的传奇小说。 |
The Romanization of Aborigines' traditional names is based on that from the applicants themselves; and the Romanization system is provided by the Aboriginal Affairs Commission under the Executive Yuan.
原住民传统姓名之罗马拼音,以当事人申报者为准。罗马拼音之符号系统,由行政院原住民族委员会提供。 |
The Romans also made a similar food.
古罗马人也曾烹制类似的食物。 |
The Romans burned frankincense on their altars and at cremations. The mythical Phoenix bird was thought to build its funeral pyre out of frankincense and myrrh.
罗马人在祭坛和火葬上燃烧乳香。神话中的长生鸟被认为是葬礼上燃烧乳香和没药这种习俗的建立者。 |
The Romans defeated the Carthaginians in 202 B.C.
罗马人于公元前202年打败伽太基人。 |
The Romans invaded England in 55 B.C.
公元前55年罗马人入侵了英格兰。 |
The Romans made use of Britain's natural resources, mining lead, iron and tin and manufacturing pottery.
罗马人很好地利用了英国的自然资源,开采铅矿、铁矿和锡矿以及生产陶瓷。 |
The Romans thought they had the power to repel ghosts.
罗马人认为豆子有击退鬼魂的能力。 |
The Romans were enamored with the smell of roses.
古罗马人独爱玫瑰香味。 |
The Romans were the first group of people after the Cretans to improve on the go-behind-a-treemethod of personal 1)hygiene that 2)dominated the world at the time.
当时全世界的人大都以「躲到树后面」来解决个人卫生问题,罗马人是继克里特人之后第一批改良这种处理方式的民族。 |
The Romans, though, believed that the druids built it.
不过罗马人则认为那是督伊德教徒建的。 |