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A swift rose soundle ly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls.

A sweetened offer for Harcourt by General Cinema appears to have a good chance of success, analysts said, and should give the troubled publisher a new lease on life by freeing its basically sound businesses from the burden of overwhelming debt. 分析家说,通过影艺公司向哈考特提出的优厚条件似乎颇有成功的希望,并应可解除这家困难重重的出版商的庞大债务负荷,而使基本上健全的营业得到生机。
A swelled head doesn't always indicate a surplus of brains. 自负的人不一定有颗智慧的脑袋。
A swelling or small palpable mass. 肿胀肿块或小的可摸到的块
A swift compromise, involving better tests and a bit more money, will not solve the problem of America's schools, but it is considerably better than nothing. 在更多的测试和增加一点点经费之间的妥协不会解决美国教育的问题,但是这比什么都不做要好得多。
A swift pirate ship, often operating with official sanction. 海盗船一种很快的海盗船,通常有官方允许
A swift rose soundle ly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls. 他们躺下来,递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。
A swift rose soundlessly over the slate roof and the heat shimmered on the roughcast walls. 他们躺下来,递过水瓶,旅行包仍背在背后。
A swift, sudden military offensive, usually by combined air and mobile land forces. 闪电战快速突然的军事进攻,通常海军陆军联合作战
A swimmer who can apply propulsive forces, with the least amount of non-propulsive time between applications, will approach more closely an inertial swimmer, which will be the best form of swimming for energy conservation and allocation. 一个能产生推进力并在运动过程中保持最少非推进时刻的游泳运动员将更加接近一个惯性的游泳运动员,也就是能在游泳的能量的保持与分配中拥有最佳形态的人。
A swimmer's intermediate time in a race. 一名运动员在比赛中的中间时间。
A swimming pool lies to the south of the building. 楼的南边有一个游泳池。

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