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This article has studied the anti-symmetric matrix contract with the matrix which has form (*), obtained the order of the anti: symmetric matrix is the even number and the sufficiont and necessary condition for the two anti-symmetric matrixs contraction.

This article has introduced separation method of emulsion and pigment in waterborn fluorocarbon coatings and fluorine content test results. The practical determination method is given. 摘要介绍了水性氟涂料的乳液和颜填料分离方法,以及氟含量试验结果。给出了合适的测试方法。
This article has outlined modernized, person's modernization, the peasants modernization meaning, thought the peasants is main promotes in the socialism new rural reconstruction, the peasants modernization is constructs of the socialism new countryside, w 摘要本文概述了现代化、人的现代化、农民现代化的含义,认为农民是促进社会主义新农村建设的主体,农民现代化是建设社会主义新农村的核心战略和主导力量,并从生产方式、农民增收、农民素质、村镇建设、村民自治方面,提出了以农民现代化为核心,推进社会主义新农村建设的对策措施。
This article has primarily analyzed the reason of the influence of the third generation of long drafting technology on the product quality, holding that by use of the third generation of long drafting technology, the friction force of the nips is increase 摘要对细纱机第三代大牵伸工艺影响产品质量的机理进行了分析,认为采用第三代大牵伸工艺后,钳口的摩擦力界得到增强,浮游纤维得到有效控制,纤维变速点集中而前移,纤维的运动更趋平稳,产品质量有所提高,特别是每千米细节、粗节、棉结明显下降。
This article has researched the relationship betweem the consciousness and the ability of active searching for students and appropriate guidance for the teachers, has researched the stimulating learning interesting for the students using multiplicate teac 摘要本文对学生自主探索的意识和能力及教师的适度指导两者之间的关系进行了研究,探讨了在课堂教学中,用多种教学方法来激发学生的学习兴趣,实行在教师引导下的学生自主性学习。
This article has selected many lengthy family novels in the new period as the objects, taken the sexual narrative as the involvement spot, and analyzed the meaning of blood relationshipin sexual narrative comparatively. 摘要新时期家族小说中,性别叙事对血缘作用不同层面的关注与开掘,以及对既定血缘作用的多方位思考,既体现了影响性别叙事的内在动机,也使其在血缘意义的呈现上具有独特价值。
This article has studied the anti-symmetric matrix contract with the matrix which has form (*), obtained the order of the anti: symmetric matrix is the even number and the sufficiont and necessary condition for the two anti-symmetric matrixs contraction. 摘要本文研究了反对称矩阵与具有形式(*)的矩阵合同,得到反对称矩阵的秩必为偶数以及两个反对称矩阵合同的充要条件。
This article has studied the definite integral in the physics application from the plane figure of the merit, the strength, the rotation inertia, shape heart and moment of inertia computation these aspects, mainly utilized from has specially promoted to t 本文从功、力、转动惯量、平面图形的形心和惯性矩的计算这几个方面研究了定积分在物理学中的应用,主要运用了从特殊推广到一般的研究方法。
This article has studied the definite integral used in the physics application from power,force,moment of inertia,orthocenter of plane figure and calculation of inertia moment,mainly utilizing the research method from particulars to generals. 本文从功、力、转动惯量、平面图形的形心和惯性矩的计算这几个方面研究了定积分在物理学中的应用,主要运用了从特殊推广到一般的研究方法。
This article has tested on whether the cancellation of tariff incentives to foreign enterprises has significant influence on the inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) in China. 摘要对进口关税优惠政策的取消是否显著地减少了外资流入进行了检验。
This article holds that effective measures should be taken in less than no time to ensure the safety of adjacent buildings when construction is being carried out nearby. 在既有建筑物周围施工时,要对既有建筑物进行有效的加固保护,以确保其绝对安全。
This article holds that it easily inclines towards unilateralism when considering the matters without the theory of integrity. 离开“统一论”的观念来考虑问题,容易产生片面性。

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