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For replacing part(s) of needle, presser foot, throat plate, looper, spreader, feed dog, needle guard, folder, cloth guide etc.

For reducing starting time and oil, according to the real condition of turbine and boiler in our plant, the process of using auxiliary steam to warm the high pressure cylinder was employed. 摘要爲了缩短啓动时间,结合我厂机炉实际情况,采取了利用辅汽对高缸预暖,进一步节油。
For reduction of tax, the taxpayer shall submit the photostat copy of the building use license and other related certification documents to the regulating taxation department at the location of the lands or buildings to apply. 其税捐之减免,应由纳税义务人检具建筑物使用执照影本及相关证明文件,向土地或建筑物所在地之主管稽徵机关申请。
For reference, the device also takes spectra of 32 blank patches of sky. 为了做为对照,仪器也向著32处空无一物的天空,摄取它们的光谱。
For reference, the smoking of a cigarette leads to the increase of the width of the range of blood flow pulsation to 0 cm/sec – 21.0 cm/sec. 提供参考,吸一支烟导致对0厘米/秒~21.0厘米/秒之血流脉动之血范围宽度增加。
For religious liberty is not the negative right of being without any particular religion, just as self-government is not anarchy. 宗教自由并不意味着可以有不信任何宗教的无有权,正如自治不意味着无政府状态。
For replacing part(s) of needle, presser foot, throat plate, looper, spreader, feed dog, needle guard, folder, cloth guide etc. 更换机针、压脚、针板、弯针、分离器、送布牙、护针器、支架、布导向器等时。
For requirements changes, the Modifier updates version numbers on all modified work products per the project's version control procedure, checks them back into the version control system, updates requirements traceability information and requirements stat 对于需求变更,修改人按照每个项目的版本控制程序更新所有已修改工件的版本号,如果需要应更新需求追溯信息和需求状态属性,并更新需求基线。
For requirements changes, the Modifier updates version numbers on all modified work products per the project's version control procedure, checks them back into the version control system, updates requirements traceability information and requirements stat 对于需求变更,修改人按照每个项目的版本控制程序更新所有已修改工件的版本号,如果需要应更新需求追溯信息和需求状态属性,并更新需求基线。
For research purpose intensive observations were made for that period. 为了研究目的,在那个期间进行了加密观测。
For reservation made within 14 working days prior to departure, a non refundable full payment is required. 凡于出发前14个工作天内办理预订手续,须缴付所有款项,已付之费用概不退还。
For reservations, please call ext 6600/6666. 预订请致电65229988,分机6600、6666。

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