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3 months : This is an intensive cutting course for those who have basic knowledge of salon skills except cutting techniques.

3 i didn't real mean my partner was a snake, and it is just a figure of speech. 我并非真的说我的合伙人是条蛇,不过是打个比方。
3 it's always warm and dry in winter in England. 在英国,冬天的天气经常是温暖而又干燥。
3 it's dangerous to exceed the recommended dosage. (服药)超过(医生)推荐的剂量很危险。
3 metre high purpose built, noise barriers shall be erected between the plant in operation and nearby noise sensitive receivers, where noise sensitive receivers are at distances of between 60 and 100 metres from the works. 当噪音感应强的地方与工地相距60至100米时,应把3米高特别设计的隔声屏障建立在运作中的设备与附近噪音感应强的地方之间。
3 mixed cresol, insulation paint, clothing, needles textiles, Feimian (excluding cotton procurement), manufacturing, processing and marketing. 三混甲酚、绝缘涂料、服装、针纺织品、废棉(不含棉花收购)制造、加工、销售。
3 months : This is an intensive cutting course for those who have basic knowledge of salon skills except cutting techniques. 3个月:剪发课程此课程适合于已拥有几年美发院工作者,课程内容包涵基本至高级剪发技术.
3 months later of the completion, it is surely for the reason of contractor itself, the inspection and test can not be executed, then it can be delayed, but should not overpass 3 months. 如本工程安装完工后三个月,承包人确因发包人原因无法进行检验调试,则本工程调试期顺延,但最长不超过三个月。
3 more pitches and Godly Wisdom walked, because Godly Wisdom never swings at what Satan throws. 还有三投,神的智慧自由上垒,因为神的智慧从来不击撒旦掷的坏球。
3 of S.1 &S.2 English lessons will be allocated for oral practice using drama approach. 中一、中二英文课堂之其中三节将使用戏剧之方法进行口语训练。
3 of them are badly damaged. 其中有3个严重毁损。
3 provide evidence or report of the alleged accident. 3提供是次意外之证明或说明。

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