Trial license has expired. Protection is disabled.
试用许可已经过期。保护被禁用。 |
Trial operation of valve should be done before install.Open and close the valve by hand for a period.Adjust the limit device of the valve gate accordingto the working system condition of user.Install the valve in full close state when there is no mistake
安装前先试运行阀门,启闭一个周期,按客户工作系统要求对阀门限位装置作适当的调整(出厂时已作标准调整),运行无误后将阀门处于全闭状态再进行安装。 |
Trial version of ODAC is completely functional, but it runs only with Delphi, C++ Builder or Kylix IDE and has trial period limited by two months.
但我编译了一个简单测试程序不在IDE环境中也能运行。后又修改的系统时间至2008年,也正常。 |
Trials are also under way on the effectiveness of using radiation therapy to deplete a patient's supply of unmodified T-cells before replacing them with engineered cells.
实验也发挥了放疗的效力,运用放疗先将病人体内未修改的T细胞供应耗尽,然后用基因工程细胞替代。 |
Trials of appealed and protested cases in the People's Courts shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to five judges.
人民法院审判上诉和抗诉案件,由审判员三人至五人组成合议庭进行。 |
Trials of cases of first instance in the Higher People's Courts or the Supreme People's Court shall be conducted by a collegial panel composed of three to seven judges or of judges and people's assessors totalling three to seven.
高级人民法院、最高人民法院审判第一审案件,应当由审判员三人至七人或者由审判员和人民陪审员共三人至七人组成合议庭进行。 |
Trials of the new retinal prosthesis will begin shortly, following the success of a prototype that has enabled six blind people to see again.
在6名盲人试用人造视网膜雏形机后视力成功恢复之后,针对新型视网膜修复术的试验将在不久将来进行。 |
Trials on laboratory animals, according to a media report, have shown that the contraceptive effect is reversible and that there are no apparent long-term side-effects.
一份媒体的报告称,动物实验表明该避孕作用是可逆的,并且没有明显的长期副作用。 |
Triangle - you are really very picky about friends and there are not many friends in your life.
三角形—在对待朋友的问题上,你是一个真正的非常吹毛求疵的人,所以你的生活里没有许多朋友。 |
Triangle - you are really very very picky about friends and there are not many friends in your life.
三角形—在对待朋友的问题上,你是一个真正的非常吹毛求疵的人,所以你的生活里没有许多朋友。 |
Triangle granules in rough Microchannel produce less affection on Microfluidic than semi-circle granules.
对摩擦力的模拟中发现小管径密集粗糙颗粒的情况下得到的流型是最好的。 |