Fox Channel shows: The Simpsons, Married ... With Children, Martin, The X-Files, Malcolm in the Middle, Titus.
福克斯频道节目:《辛普森家庭》、《憔悴潘郎》(又译作《凡夫俗妻妙宝贝》)、《马丁》、《X档案》、《左右做人难》、《忠实的背叛》。 |
Fox example, set up low-level shelves and bins for easy storage.
例如,用一些矮一点的架子和存贮框。 |
Fox example, the height of Mount Fuji in Japan - 12,389 feet - might be remembered using the following associations: 12 is the number of months in the year, and 389 is the number of days in a year (365) added to the number of months twice (24).
例如:日本富士山的海拔高度是12,389英尺,你可以把这一数字用下列联想方法:一年有12个月,389是一年365天再加上一年12个月乘上2(24)。 |
Fox is on the roll in the love department.
福克斯是爱情部的一员。 |
Fox made the hot chocolate.
小狐狸做好了热巧克力。 |
Fox poured the hot chocolate.
小狐狸给大家倒热巧克力。 |
Fox was ousted from office but he had nothing to say for himself.
福克斯被赶下台,但是他没有什么可特别为自己辨护的。 |
Fox will also assist one in learning to outwit the dark.
狐狸也将援助一个人去学习智胜黑暗。 |
Fox,Gwenyth.1987.The case for examples[C]//J.M.Sinclair.Looking Up.London:Collins ELT.
本文取自语料库的例证,拼写、标点、大小写等都保持原状,未作改动. |
Foxconn's product is ranked tier one brand based on perfessional reviews from an esteemed media.
从专业媒体的专业评论角度来看,富士康(产品)被誉为第一品牌。 |
Foxed possible crash at deleting creature from remove object queue with cross-reference to already deleted creature in queue. Small guild chapter related cleanup.
修正当从删除列表中删除一些已经删除的生物所引起的当机。与公会相关的代码清除。 |