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Keep reading, and your English will be better and better.

Keep proper length of pipe when put into the manhole. 布放后应保留适当长度于引进端人(手)孔或拉箱内。
Keep quiet - I'm trying to get some work done. 请安静,我要处理一些工作。
Keep quiet, please! 请保持安静!
Keep reading materials handy when you go to the doctor's office. Most magazines in waiting rooms are from last year anyway, and you waste time just sitting. 当你到医生办公室的时候可以读一些容易拿到的资料。在等待室里面有很多去年的杂志,你在那里坐着也是浪费时间。
Keep reading my on-line journal for more days… in the life of a teenage gypsy. 访问我的网络日志,可以读到一个流浪少女的日常生活。
Keep reading, and your English will be better and better. 坚持阅读,你的英语会越来越好。
Keep rear-fold seats in place to prevent entering the trunk from i ide. 将可折叠的汽车后座椅还原,以防止孩子由此钻入后行李箱.
Keep record daily outgoing report. 记录并汇总每日的货物出库情况。
Keep records of your trading results. 对你的交易结果做好纪录。
Keep records, materials inclusive photos on training and Human Resources activities. 保存培训和人力资源活动的记录、材料和照片。
Keep repeating this until she answers. 这样我们就可以知道情况有多糟了。”

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