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But despite the fact that Truman was elected democratically, there was still a question about the legitimacy of his action.

But despite coming off a dominant seven-inning, 8-0 blanking of Minnesota Tuesday, Chien-Ming had an issuethat night, experiencing some finger problems during a top of the fourth during which he walked four Twins batters. 尽管星期二对上双城队以8-0拿下七局无失分的强投,然而那场比赛小民却有一个潜在问题,从第四局开始受到手指伤势影响保送了四名打者。
But despite his “prissy” looks, Orlando trained hard for the role of Legolas. 不过尽管奥兰多的外表看起来有点“神经质”,但他仍为了勒苟拉斯这个角色而接受艰苦的训练。
But despite millions of dollars of investment, the commercial extraction of manganese nodules never became reality. 但是尽管拥有数百万美元的投资,锰结核的商业化开采始终未能实现。
But despite stronger legislation introduced since 2001, the group complained China had made “minimal progress” in establishing a system of enforcement on intellectual property, while problems of counterfeiting and piracy were worsening and more Chinese-ma 但该团体抱怨说,尽管中国自2001年以来已颁布实施了更有力的法规,但中国在建立知识产权的执法体系方面“进展甚微”,同时假冒和盗版问题仍在恶化,更多中国制造的赝品正在出口。
But despite the expected dip in surpluses this year, the cumulative current account surplus for the Middle East and Central Asia region remains high. 然而,尽管中东和中亚地区的经常账户盈余预计将回落,但该地区的经常账户累计盈余仍处于高位。
But despite the fact that Truman was elected democratically, there was still a question about the legitimacy of his action. 然而这并不意味着他的行为是完全正当的,因为民主正当性不等同于合法。
But despite the high divorce rate, marriage has never been more popular. 但是仅管离婚率高,婚姻却比以前更容易让人接受。
But despite the many twists and turns of the case, I've always had faith in our company, in our employees and in the magic of the software we're creating. 尽管本案发生了很多的曲折和变化,我对我们的公司、我们的员工,以及我们所创造的软件的魅力始终充满信心。
But despite the protracted proceedings, both mother and baby are now doing well. 不过,尽管这一过程耗时很长,但目前熊猫妈妈和宝宝的健康情况都很好。
But despite the publicity, he was not recognized. 尽管媒体对此做出了报道,但是没有人认出他是逃犯。
But despite the recent catwalk trend for size zero models, most adult British women don't aspire to be super skinny. 但是,尽管近年来时装展台上“零号尺寸”的模特儿大行其道,大多数成年英国女性还是不想追求那种皮包骨头一样的身材。

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