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At that time men were appointed to be in charge of the storerooms for the contributions, firstfruits and tithes.

At that time it was a triple gate, resembling a triumphal arch, and was probably not attached to the wall. 那时的城门是现在的三倍,象凯旋门一样,并且没有连筑城墙。
At that time it was basically grammar and vocabulary. 那时候主要是语法和词汇。
At that time it was folk music that was popular among college students. 那时在大学生中流行的正是民间音乐。
At that time man with great force and extraordinary talent could get promotion, thus they at once enlisted personal power, the impermissible behaviors in their youth didn't put obstacles in the way of promotion but expressed his heroic quality during the 这一时代有卓异武功及特殊才能的人得到格外重视,豪强们纷纷网罗个人势力,即使这些人年少时曾有失检越轨行为,然而非但不构成其得到提拔重用的障碍,反倒恰恰说明他具有出相入将、沙场建勋的英雄气质。
At that time many salaried people did not support the federal government, did they? 那时候许多挣工资的人都不支持联邦政府,是不是?
At that time men were appointed to be in charge of the storerooms for the contributions, firstfruits and tithes. 44当日,派人管理库房,将举祭,初熟之物,和所取的十分之一,就是按各城田地,照律法所定归给祭司和利未人的分,都收在里头。
At that time men will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. 可13:26那时他们(马太二十四章三十节作地上的万族)要看见人子有大能力,大荣耀,驾云降临。
At that time most people believe in sorcery and witchcraft . 那时候大多数人相信巫术和魔法。
At that time most people believe in sorcery and witchcraft. 那时候大多数人相信巫术和魔法。
At that time my father was head of Paramount Studios. My mother was involved in various intellectual projects. 那时,父亲是派拉蒙电影制片厂的厂长,母亲从事文化事业。
At that time neither of us suspected just how true that prophecy would eventually become. 那时,我们都没想到这个预言最终会变成现实。

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