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That is the important need of this state to return to normalcy, and get back to the operation of government as it should be without the cloud hanging over it of this unprecedented criminal case,he said.

That is the fear of degrading. 那就是对退化的恐惧。
That is the future of land-mine location and destruction as envisioned by two scientists, Hudgins and Krock, who at the Armstrong Laboratories at Brooks Air Force Base near San Antonio. 一架飞机在一块布满地雷的无人居住的陆上空飞过,用能源束对每颗地雷进行扫描、定位并作下记录。上述工作完成后,飞机再次飞过来,这一次是用定向能源束的冲击力引爆每颗地雷。
That is the future we choose. 这就是我们选择的未来。
That is the glorious outcome of our denying ourself. 我们这样作的时候,就成为一个被除掉的人,而不是一个受苦的人。
That is the hope, anyway, of Nekton's core creative group of biologists, ocean engineers, roboticists, physicists and mathematical modelers. 起码这就是耐顿核心创意团队的梦想,团队中网罗了生物学者、海洋工程学者、机器人专家、物理学者及数学模型专家。
That is the important need of this state to return to normalcy, and get back to the operation of government as it should be without the cloud hanging over it of this unprecedented criminal case,he said. 当务之急是这个州回到常态,回到以前没有这件空前的案件所造成的乌云笼罩时的政府运作中去”,他说。
That is the key to a successful affiliate program. 这是成功的关键,从属节目.
That is the language of angels. 那是天使的语言。
That is the layman's point of view, said Sir Henry dryly. “那是外行人的观点,”亨利爵士冷淡的说。
That is the lowest I can go. 这是我所能给的最低价钱。
That is the man I saw yesterday. 那就是我昨天见到的那个人。

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