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At first sight, laser beams and charged particle beams do not seem well suited for particle acceleration.

At first sight it looks like a regular cell phone — same size, same shape, same overall appearance. 蜂窝电话;这种手枪在外观上和普通的手机一模一样,相同的大小,相同的形状。
At first sight the problem seems easy. 乍看起来,这个问题似乎很容易。
At first sight their demands seemed reasonable. 乍看之下,他们的要求似乎满合理的。
At first sight this means that things are about to get even cushier for native English speakers; they needn't lift a finger to learn other people's subjunctives. 乍一看,这似乎意味着以英语为母语的人日子更好过了,因为他们不再需要费力去学习别人的语言。
At first sight, helping charities looks to be at the opposite end of the selfishness spectrum from conspicuous consumption. 初看来,帮助慈善事业远离了挥霍浪费,是与自私自利相背而行的。
At first sight, laser beams and charged particle beams do not seem well suited for particle acceleration. 乍看之下,雷射光束和带电粒子束似乎并不适用于粒子加速上。
At first sight, the economy hit the August turmoil in fine fettle. 初看起来,经济成功的回击了8月金融风波。
At first sight, this is all terribly paradoxical. 乍一看,这似乎完全违反了常理。
At first sight,it may look like a generous offer,but always read the small print. 乍看上去,那似乎是一个慷慨的奉送,但别忘了阅读用小号字体印刷的内容。
At first synthesized professional branch and graphical symbols of coal mine geology and survey, mainly including point, line, region and so on, and then classified and coded the geology and survey information entity by different professional layers and fo 摘要综合煤矿地质测量信息的专业特性及信息表示的几何特征(主要包括点、线、面等),按专题图层对煤矿地质测量的实体对象进行分类与编码,形成了一套基于GIS的煤矿地质测量信息分类编码体系。
At first the article puts forward the scheme for system design, then introduces the design of baseband demodulator with AD6652 and the main features of AD6652, and gets the experimental spectrum at the end. 文中首先提出总体设计方案,然后介绍了AD6652为核心的基带解调器设计方案及此芯片的性能,最后通过对硬件电路的实验验证,得到了实验频谱。

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