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They were the first to believe firmly in the supremacy of free inquiry.

They were the astronauts on the first venture to the moon. 他们是首次登月球探险的宇航员。
They were the earliest poets whereof there is record. 他们是有记载的最早的诗人。
They were the epicenter of none-stop nation-wide virtual shag there. 他们是这个全国范围中永不停息的舞蹈的核心。
They were the first people to cultivate taro. 他们是最先开始种植芋头的人。
They were the first to bear hardships, the last to enjoy comforts. 他们吃苦在前,享受在后。
They were the first to believe firmly in the supremacy of free inquiry. 他们首先坚信自由探究的至高无上性.
They were the first two Englishmen to fly the Atlantic. 他们是头两个飞越大西洋的英国人。
They were the guests of the new couple, including the groomsman and bridesmaid. They just came here to take some pictures with the bride and groom. 这些人是新婚夫妻请来的客人,包括伴郎伴娘。他们来这里与新郎新娘一同拍照。
They were the last words Talisac uttered. 这句话成了塔利萨克医生的遗言。
They were the least able to get out of the way of the onslaught. 当天灾降临时,他们是那些最不能逃避灾难的人。
They were the people whose kings occupied the throne of God's Kingdom on earth. 这个民族的王曾经在地球上拥有天国的宝座。

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